Saturday, August 10, 2024

 Training AI programs, known in the industry as large language models (LLMs), involves scraping vast quantities of text or images from the internet.

This information is broken into trillions of tiny machine-readable chunks, known as tokens.

When asked a question, a program like ChatGPT selects and assembles tokens in a way that its training data tells it is the most likely sequence to fit with the query.

This sounds remarkably like the behaviour of some quiz masters, who make an enquiry on a search engine, and look no further than the listed results, which include the terms used in the query, but don't necessarily confirm the answer.

Another example is the lions at Battle Abbey query, quoted in

And I am sure there are thousands, if not millions more.

Thursday, August 08, 2024

There's still hope - common sense prevails


Google pulls AI ad that irked some Olympics viewers

Google confirmed Friday that it had pulled an ad for its Gemini artificial intelligence after viewers pointed out that encouraging  your child to use AI to write a fan letter is maybe not the best way to educate them.  May open a can of worms.......

Tuesday, August 06, 2024

When it's good to be a NIMBY


Riots in the UK: Online propagandists know how to work their audiences—this is what we are missing

The frightening scenes of far-right extremists have many wondering how to stop the spread of the propaganda that encourages racism, violence and misogyny.

It's imperative an answer is found; anti-social media is the curse of our times, as some of us predicted, but weren't listened to, when it was still early enough to put restrictions in place.  What is the answer now?