Wednesday, May 18, 2005

By the Numbers:A Guide for Analyzing Race Data fromVehicle Stops / Police Executive Research Forum, 2005
"a detailed “how to” guide for analyzing race data from vehicle stops. It provides a social science framework for understanding the challenges of trying to measure racial bias in policing and presents an array of methods for law enforcement professionals, researchers and other stakeholders to consider when interpreting the vehicle-stop data. The primary audience for this technical guide includes the people who will actually be conducting the analyses, though police professionals at all levels, policy makers and others have much to gain by reading the preliminary and final chapters. Following these introductory chapters, By the Numbers provides step-by-step guidance for implementing various benchmarking methods. Forthcoming is a shorter document entitled "Understanding Race Data from Vehicle Stops: A Stakeholder's Guide" which will target policy makers and other concerned stakeholders and highlight the key themes of By the Numbers."