Sarah Dunn
"A NEW get-tough approach to tackling prostitution is using the threat of a jail sentence to deter women from the streets. rostitutes will have four chances to give up work before being served with an anti-social behaviour order, which, if breached, could land them in jail. The new approach aims to take girls out of a cycle where they often find themselves arrested, charged and fined - and back on the streets the same day,working to earn money to pay it off. Emphasis will be placed on helping prostitutes move out of the industry. Kerb crawlers will also be targeted in the crackdown, facing ASBOs and a possible driving ban.
Chairman of the Nether Hall Area Community Group Roy Penketh said: 'A law is only as good as it is enforced - it's all very well bringing in these new ideas provided they are used properly.
'We have seen many initiatives that work for a while but the problem always comes back. The issue here is that it will take up a lot of police time and resources.'
Wheatley ward councillor Coun Eva Hughes said: 'What is important about this approach is that we are putting something in place that gives the girls the chance of a new life and a better future without going back on the streets. I also welcome the tough approach to kerb crawlers who should be named and shamed through the courts - because after all it is these people that create the demand.'" [Snippet]