Saturday, September 10, 2005

Indecent proposals / Spiked, 6 Sep 2005
"Each successive piece of UK legislation that has criminalised the possession and distribution of child pornography - the Protection of Children Act 1978, the Criminal Justice Act 1988, the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, and the Sexual Offences Act 2003 - has broadened the definition of the crime, so that evidence of child abuse is no longer necessary in order for someone to be prosecuted (5). Looking at an indecent image of a child - or even looking at a 'pseudo-photo' (doctored image) - is now a crime in and of itself. As I have argued previously on spiked, such developments represent the real emergence of what George Orwell, in his fictional dystopia 1984, called 'thoughtcrime' (6). The proposal to ban violent pornography simply extends this tendency into yet another ill-defined domain."