Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Schneier on Security: Do Terror Alerts Work? / Oct 2004

"As I read the litany of terror threat warnings that the government has issued in the past three years, the thing that jumps out at me is how vague they are. The careful wording implies everything without actually saying anything. We hear 'terrorists might try to bomb buses and rail lines in major U.S. cities this summer,' and there's 'increasing concern about the possibility of a major terrorist attack.' 'At least one of these attacks could be executed by the end of the summer 2003.' Warnings are based on 'uncorroborated intelligence,' and issued even though 'there is no credible, specific information about targets or method of attack.' And, of course, 'weapons of mass destruction, including those containing chemical, biological, or radiological agents or materials, cannot be discounted.' "