Steve Ranger
"Watch where you leave your fingerprints - soon they could be the target of thieves looking to break into your bank account. Although biometric security systems - using fingerprints, iris scans and facial recognition - are only just now entering the mainstream, they are likely to be common within a few years. And as soon as biometrics begin to be used to protect bank accounts or benefit systems, crooks will start looking at ways of breaking into them."
The A to Z of biometrics : Fingerprint, iris, palm, gait and keystroke - we've got the lot... / Silicon, 20 July 2006,3800010403,39160551,00.htm
Steve Ranger
"Biometric identity systems, until a few years ago the stuff of science fiction, are now hitting the big time in the real world. All exploit the fundamental physical differences between human beings - whether in the form of the ridges on our fingers, the way we walk or even the way we speak - to identify individuals. They're at the heart of the government's ID cards plans and are already being used in airport security systems."