Saturday, July 08, 2006

Islam in Britain: A Year after the Terrorist Raid / Asharq Alawsat New, 7 Jul 2006
Amir Taheri
"As Britain marks the first anniversary of the terrorist attacks in London, one question dominates discussions in the media, political organisations, and family circles. The question is: to what extent do British Muslims support the cause for which the four terrorists were ready to kill and die last July? A poll conducted for the London Times provides elements of an answer. It shows that 13 per cent of British Muslims, over 120,000 individuals, think that the terrorists should be regarded as "martyrs." Seven per cent believe that suicide attacks on civilians in the United Kingdom can be justified in some circumstances. And, 16 per cent are persuaded that though the 7/7 attacks may have been wrong the cause was right. Two per cent say they would proud if a member of their family joined Al Qaeda. These are disturbing findings. But, do they reveal the full picture? - The answer is no."