Saturday, August 19, 2006

Hackers & Terrorists [thinking ouside the box] / Huffington Post, 17 Aug 2006
Avi Rubin
"My primary suggestion is to truly randomize some of the process. For example, if you want to subject 16% of passengers for additional screening as they go through security, then as each person appraches, roll a six sided die, and if it lands on a predetermined number, the person gets the royal treament. Randomize the choices of where to screen. Some days, perform additional screening at the security checkpoint. Other days, perform it when people are checking their luggage or as they board the plane. On some randomly selected days, security officials can approach people at random in the boarding area (using dice or some other mechanism to make truly random choices) for screening. On other randomly selected days, people can be randomly chosen after they take their seats, and before the plane leaves the gate. The point is that passengers will not know where they are going to be screened, and terrorists will not be able to plan the details of their activities as easily as they can when all of the procedures are known and predictable. " [Counter-terrorism]