PDF - http://www.ncmhjj.com/pdfs/publications/DiversionRPB.pdf
"This brief offers an overview of juvenile diversion for youth with mental health disorders, reviewing key findings from a Center survey of diversion programs and reviewing promising program models."
Juvenile Mental Health Courts: An Emerging Strategy
PDF - http://www.ncmhjj.com/pdfs/publications/JuvenileMentalHealthCourts.pdf
"This brief summarizes the results of a recent Center survey of juvenile mental health courts, and discusses some key issues surrounding the growing use of these courts."
Youth with Mental Health Disorders in the Juvenile Justice System: Results from a Multi-State Prevalence Study
PDF - http://www.ncmhjj.com/pdfs/publications/PrevalenceRPB.pdf
"This brief discusses key findings from a multistate study of the prevalence of mental health disorders among youth in the juvenile justice system."