Saturday, September 09, 2006

9/11 - Spiked Online

FIVE YEARS AFTER 9/11: THE SEARCH FOR MEANING GOES ON - by Frank Furedi More than anything, the attacks on New York and Washington exposed the moral disorientation and bewilderment of the West.

LIFE, LIBERTY AND POLITICS AFTER 9/11 -spiked invited writers, thinkers and activists to outline what they think has been the most enduring legacy - if any - of the attacks on New York and Washington five years ago. What impact did 9/11 have on life, liberty and politics in the West and around the world?
Nadine Strossen on the scapegoating of liberty....

John Ralston Saul on the trap of fear....

Julian Baggini on the black-and-white debate....

Faisal Devji on how 9/11 came to us from the future....

Richard Koch on the suicide of the West....

Brendan O'Neill on the real message of 9/11: feel our pain....

More at

THESE THEORIES ARE 'PLANE STUPID' - BUT POPULAR - by Emily Hill At first, conspiracy-mongering about 9/11 was the preserve of isolated fantasists. Now, five years later, it is positively in vogue.