Saturday, September 09, 2006

U.S. enters age of foiled plots / International Herald Tribune, 8 Sep 2006
Scott Shane and Lowell Bergman The New York Times
"There are few counterterrorism success stories more compelling than that of Raed al-Banna, a 32-year-old Jordanian turned away by a wary border officer who found "multiple terrorist risk factors" and refused him entry at O'Hare Airport in Chicago in July 2003. There is little dispute that the government's actions over the past five years have made the United States a far harder target: dismantling Al Qaeda's camps and decimating its leadership; tightening visa and border controls; conducting scores of terrorism-related prosecutions. The Age of Terrorism, at least inside the United States, has morphed into the Age of the Foiled Plot. The government says this proves the success of its prevention strategy: to intervene long before an attack is imminent. Its critics assert that officials have exaggerated the threat posed by some of the accused, painting hapless misfits as operatives from Al Qaeda. "