"Too little too late. On 13 December 2006, the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU) released a fairly short (19-page-long) and long-delayed report on the use of video surveillance cameras in New York City. Entitled Who’s Watching? Video Camera Surveillance in New York City and the Need for Public Oversight, [PDF ] it updates the NYCLU’s first report on the subject, which was called New York City: A Surveillance Camera Town and released on 11 December 1998. What’s the news? Over the course of the last eight years, the number of surveillance cameras installed in public places has dramatically increased. While there were a total of 2,397 cameras in all of Manhattan in 1998, there are now that many cameras in a single area (Greenwich Village/SoHo). The vast majority of these cameras are privately owned; all of them have been installed “in the absence of legal or regulatory constraint” (NYCLU press release, 13 December 2006)."