Friday, December 08, 2006

Multicultural Britain to be "celebrated" / No. 10, 8 Dec 2006
"Tony Blair has outlined how he believes the right balance can be struck between integration and diversity. He said: "... it is not that we need to dispense with multicultural Britain. On the contrary we should continue celebrating it."
Expert papers to the PM on Community Cohesion
The role of multiculturalism in a modern and evolving society is a topic of vivid debate. Here are the views of some opinion formers:
Bhikhu Parekh: Two Ideas of Multiculturalism
Bhikhu Parekh: Where is Britain Going?
Ian Kearns and Rick Muir: Citizenship in a multicultural democracy
Jonathan Sacks: How to build a culture of respect
Trevor Phillips speech: Race Convention
David Goodhart: Earned Citizenship