Sunday, June 10, 2012

Summons up visions of tanks rolling inexorably onwards

The German Chancellor's plans for a "two-speed Europe" will leave Germany in the driving seat of a European super-state which will beggar its neighbours.
"Mrs Merkel is openly calling for a German-dominated political union at the centre of Europe, with what George Soros recently called a 'depressed hinterland' around it.  Neither of those is a place the UK ought to be.  We are one of the world's major economies and a proud independent sovereign nation, not a vassal state that needs to be governed from Frankfurt, or picking over the crumbs from Europe's table.

"As George Osborne has admitted, a reshaped relationship with Europe would involve a transfer of sovereignty from the UK to Brussels.

"Mrs Merkel says that the EU's grand plan 'cannot stand still just because one country or another doesn't want to come along'.