Friday, September 09, 2005

BioP II: biometrics panic at the Chaos Computer Club (CCC) / Heise, 8 Sep 2005
"The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) has also analyzed the major biometrics study Bio PII, which has looked into the day-to-day use of biometrics-based access protection systems. The results of the study were said to lend added support to the earlier criticism of the application of biometrics technology in passports voiced by the CCC. After thoroughly analyzing the study the alternative data experts pointedly 'warn against the use of what are manifestly unsuitable biometric systems,' it says in a press release that to some degree spreads panic with regard to the biometrics issue. 'Should these systems in actual fact be used at passport control points throughout the whole of Germany, every day tens of thousands of people would be faced at airports with screens flashing red lights,' the press release notes. "