Thursday, February 16, 2006

EU: Commission to resurrect biometric ID cards? / Statewatch News / Feb 2006
"- Belgium and Czech Republic insist that biometrics are not automatically added to national ID cards
- European Commission admits 'there are doubts about the legal bases'
- Attempt to treat introduction of biometrics as a 'technical' issue"

At the end of January the Commission published its 128-page work programme for 2006: European Commission work programme for 2006: Justice and home affairs issues. Hidden in the detail is the following:

'Adoption par la Commission d'une d�cision �tablissant des normes pour les �l�ments de s�curit� � int�grer dans les cartes d'identit� (Comit� Article 6)'

That is to adopt a Commission Decision to establish standards for security in ID cards. The 'Brief description' attached is more explicit:
'Brief Description: According to The Hague Action Plan, travel documents both for third country nationals and EU citizens should be better secured in particular via the integration of biometric identifiers. Also Identity Cards have been explicitly mentioned even if there are doubts about the legal bases for such an action. This proposal responds to this request and will harmonise the security features for ID cards issued by Member States' (emphasis added)"