Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Professor Wins Award for Research into 'CSI Effect' / UNCG: , Feb 2006

http://www.uncg.edu/ure/news/stories/2006/Feb/Podlas021306.htmTiffany Edwards
"The data show that the likelihood of and reasoning underlying 'not guilty' verdicts is the same for frequent viewers of 'CSI' as it is for non-frequent viewers of the program. Simply, frequent viewers of 'CSI' are no more influenced by 'CSI' factors than are non-frequent viewers. In fact, considering the small minority of 'CSI' viewers who considered 'CSI' factors in their verdicts, the data suggest that they are not influenced by such factors, or considered the very same factors as non-frequent viewers. Her findings were summarized in the article 'The CSI Effect: Exposing the Media Myth', which will be published this month in the Fordham Intellectual Property and Media Law Journal."