Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Recruitment, redemption in the MS-13 / ISN Security Watch14 Feb 2006
Sam Logan and Kate Kairies
"Street gangs create systems of social networks. These networks rely on crime to finance what is essentially a lifestyle that allows youths to survive in a world where there are limited opportunities, a lack of parental presence, and little to no hope for a chance at a better life. What began as an attempt to protect race and community in Los Angeles has turned into a brutal gang that has spread to over 30 US states, throughout Mexico, and to at least three Central American countries. In these countries, where poverty, homelessness, and unemployment are much more prevalent than in the US, the proliferation of the MS-13 street gang has become endemic and deeply ingrained in society. It fills the gaps in broken families and communities where opportunities are limited."

This is the second in a two-part series on MS-13. Please see "Street gangs, a transnational security threat", published on 7 February 2006 for more information on this topic.