Tuesday, February 14, 2006

A Survey of 10 Years of New Zealand Court Cases on Restorative Justice � Restorative Justice

This paper is an attempt to answer the call for information about the development of Restorative Justice in the Courts of New Zealand since it has been practised, albeit in a beginning way over the past 10 years. In particular it is of interest to look at the some court decisions since its language has been imported by Parliament into statutes, particularly the Sentencing Act 2002.
PDF - http://www.restorativejustice.org/editions/2006/feb06/stan/2006-01-24.7907746197/download

Readers of this paper would be assisted if they read the author’s earlier paper entitled “ The Arrival of Restorative Justice in the Courts: a brief outline of the New Zealand experience”
PDF - http://www.restorativejustice.org/resources/docs/thorburn4/download