Wednesday, February 15, 2006

UK parliamentary panel says control orders may violate Europe rights treaty / JURIST - Paper Chase, 14 Feb 2006
Holly Manges Jones
A UK parliamentary report [PDF] released Tuesday concludes that British control orders [BBC backgrounder] confining and/or regulating the conduct of suspected terrorists who cannot be prosecuted in courts may violate the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) [text]. Eighteen control orders have so far been issued by UK Home Secretary Charles Clarke since the Prevention of Terrorism Act of 2005 [PDF text] authorized the practice.

The new report by the parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights [official website] questions whether control orders should be allowed without requesting a special opt-out from the terms of the ECHR, suggesting that strict so-called "derogating" control orders such as those involving a 24-hour house arrest are in breach and should only be given during national emergencies. The Prevention of Terrorism Act is set to expire March 11 but the government has already said it will seek its renewal. DeHavilland has more. [Snippet]