Friday, August 18, 2006

Reasons Behind British Muslim Extremism Debated / RFE/RL, 16 Aug 2006
Jan Jun
Does a failure to assimilate make British-born Muslims ready recruits for extremist groups?
Just over a year since the terrorist attacks on London's transport system on July 7, 2005, Britain is on alert again. Now, in the wake of last week's scare, Britons of all walks of life are debating what is behind the rise of such extremist groups. "I don't believe there is any deprivation, there is any segregation. No, this is what we do ourselves. I mean nobody forced me to go and stay in Bradford." Some British Muslim experts argue that the roots of the problem are economic." Other experts concur that the deprivation and the self-imposed seclusion of the Muslim ghettoes need to be tackled. But not all agree that these economic and social factors are the main ideological cause of terrorism."