Friday, August 18, 2006

'Stop making excuses for Muslim criminals' / Sheffield Star, 16 Aug 2006
"A PROMINENT South York-shire Muslim councillor blasted leading Islamics in Britain, telling them: "Stop making excuses for terror." Coun Jahangir Akhtar said he could no longer hold his peace after 38 Muslim groups signed a letter to the Prime Minister suggesting foreign policy was fuelling home-grown terror. Although Coun Akhtar, a high-profile Rotherham politician, said he did not agree with US and British foreign policy, he added it could not be used as an excuse for cold-blooded murder. "Terrorism is a terrible thing. These people are hell-bent on killing their own people. By that I mean our people, all of us, British citizens, white, black or brown. "We have fantastic rights here and we have a long history of changing things through the democratic process." [Society]