Saturday, September 09, 2006

IND review / Refugee Council, August 2006

"Response to the consultation on the IND Review "Fair, effective, transparent and trusted: Rebuilding confidence in our immigration system" . Our response centres on border controls; fast-track, detention and electronic surveillance; removing barriers to deportation and removal; extension of non suspensive appeals; doubling of enforcement and compliance resource and outsourcing; and the proposed protocol on judicial review. Overall, we are concerned that the review does not focus sufficiently on ensuring refugees are able to come to the UK, claim asylum and have their protection needs met. We believe that over-emphasising the need to respond to ‘public perception’ about immigration may inhibit the Home Office’s ability to take an evidence-based approach to policy making and reform. We recognise the potential value of IND operating on an agency basis, but urge the Home Office to take this opportunity to create a fully independent asylum decision making body, able to make decisions on asylum applications outside the pressures of the wider political context."