Monday, June 19, 2006

Jane's Police Review, 16 June 2006 [Sub Required]
Chief constables must plan for mergers
Chief constables must plan for mergersIF chief constables are failing to plan for force mergers they will receive a telling off from HM inspectors. Robin Field-Smith, HM Inspector of Constabulary...14-Jun-2006

Forces look into collaboration
BEDFORDSHIRE, Hertfordshire and Essex Police are looking into opportunities for collaboration after rejecting Home Office proposals for the forces to merge. Previous Home Secretary Charles...14-Jun-2006

Testing times boost station success rateNORTH Shields station officers have been using DNA evidence to dramatically cut incidents of criminal damage. As part of a force-wide initiative called 'What's the...14-Jun-2006

Police in parliament - Permanent appointments
From July, fixed-term appointments for commanders in the Met and City of London Police and for assistant chief constables in other forces will be abolished. ...14-Jun-2006