Wednesday, June 30, 2004

swissinfo - Report calls for tighter immigration checks

swissinfo swiss information business culture news informations of switzerland : Front Story Detail: "Report calls for tighter immigration checks

swissinfo June 29, 2004 1:49 PM

Police and border guards are being asked to carry out more checks to curb illegal immigration (Keystone)
The Swiss authorities have called for tougher measures to combat illegal immigration.

A government report warns that illegal immigrants are increasingly involved in crime and the black economy." Zimbabwe: Policing Revolution Reduces Crime Zimbabwe: Policing Revolution Reduces Crime: "Policing Revolution Reduces Crime

The Herald (Harare)
June 29, 2004
Posted to the web June 29, 2004
Tawanda Kanhema

The police force has changed its policing methods, shifting from being mere compilers of crime reports and statements confined to their cubicles, to highly mobile and effective watchers of the public flock, swooping on pickpockets and muggers before they fang purses on the pavements."

Life imprisonment policy under EU review

Life imprisonment policy under EU review: "

Life imprisonment policy under EU review
by di-ve news

BORMLA, Malta (di-ve news) -- June 29 2004 -- 1600CET-- Maltese NGO Mid-Dlam ghad-Dawl welcomes the Green Paper recently issued by the European Commission vindicating the NGO's long standing arguments in favour of more human criminal judiciary policies.

In this Green Paper published on April 30th, the European Commission is proposing a total reconsideration of the punishment of life imprisonment leading towards its abolition on a EU-wide basis. "

The Kentucky Post - State wants to 'dump' juvenile sex offenders, prosecutors say

The Kentucky Post: "State wants to 'dump' juvenile sex offenders, prosecutors say

By Paul A. Long
Post staff reporter

The state Department of Juvenile Justice wants to 'dump' convicted juvenile sex offenders on an unsuspecting public without control or direction, two Kenton County prosecutors are charging.
Studies that the state has done on juvenile offenders have shown that very few commit sex crimes later in their minority or after they have become adults. "

The Toronto Star. - Youth super-jail to open in 2007 - Youth super-jail to open in 2007: "
Jun. 29, 2004. 03:10 PM

Youth super-jail to open in 2007


BRAMPTON - A new $81-million jail for young offenders in the Toronto area will strike a balance between community safety and the best interests of youth, Children's Services Minister Marie Bountrogianni said today. "

STUFF NZ - Police vetting of step-parents

STUFF - STORY - HOME : New Zealand's leading news and information website: "Police vetting of step-parents
30 June 2004

Step-parents may be vetted by police before they can become legal guardians in a move to protect children from paedophiles and child killers.

Under changes to the Care of Children Bill recommended by MPs yesterday, parents would be able to ask their new partners to become their children's legal guardians after they had been together for a year. "

Tuesday, June 29, 2004

KMWorld Magazine - Collaborative government knowledge

KMWorld Magazine - Collaborative government knowledge: "Jun 28
Collaborative government knowledge

Jonathan B. Spira of Basex

With the release of the 9/11 commission reports, the message is clear: Government agencies need to share knowledge and collaborate. They also need to ensure that critical information makes its way up the chain to officials who can act on it. Although this will be an expensive undertaking, any money spent on systems that enhance the U.S. government's ability to identify a potential threat is far cheaper than the millions spent protecting targets or the billions cleaning up the mess after the fact. "

Police clean-out, but rot goes on - National -

Police clean-out, but rot goes on - National - "Police clean-out, but rot goes on
By Malcolm Brown
June 29, 2004

Ten years after a royal commission exposed the corruption extending to the heart of the NSW Police there has been no change in police culture, and any change would be difficult to bring about. " | Restraint urged on prostitution policing (June 29, 2004) | Restraint urged on prostitution policing (June 29, 2004): "HOME > QUEENSLAND NEWS > STORY

Restraint urged on prostitution policing
Amanda Watt, Rosemary Odgers and Jason Gregory
June 29, 2004

RESTRICTIONS on legal brothels should be eased to encourage illegal prostitutes off the streets and into safer working environments, Prostitution Licensing Authority chief Bill Carter, QC, said yesterday.

Mr Carter said the current enforcement method of 'policing and prosecuting' street workers was not a"

Forum 18 Archive - TURKMENISTAN: Police control of believers set to continue

Forum 18 Archive: "This article was published by F18News on: 28 June 2004
TURKMENISTAN: Police control of believers set to continue
By Felix Corley, Editor, Forum 18 News Service
In an apparent sign that they intend to keep tight control of religious communities, officers of the police sixth department, which fights organised crime and terrorism, summoned at least four religious leaders in early June. Officers demanded full information about current and planned activities, and names and addresses of all members,"

State to review amendment to Juvenile Act (India)

State to review amendment to Juvenile Act: "State to review amendment to Juvenile Act
By: Vinod Kumar Menon
June 28, 2004

The state government has formed a committee to review the recent amendments to the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2000.

According to the amendment, a person will be considered to be a juvenile till 18 years.

Earlier, the law protected those till the age of 16.

This would actually mean that a murder accused could be set free if he had committed the act when he was a juvenile. "

(USA) Portsmouth Herald Local News: UNH study targets child prostitution

Portsmouth Herald Local News: UNH study targets child prostitution: "UNH study targets child prostitution
By Joe Adler

DURHAM - Child prostitutes are more likely to be classified as 'offenders' than 'crime victims,' University of New Hampshire researchers reported in a study released Wednesday on juvenile prostitution.
The report, authored by two researchers from the UNH Crimes against Children Research Center, said lawmakers and law enforcement officials need to do more to record instances of juvenile prostitution and deal with the problem. "

U.S. Newswire - Policymakers, Ex-Offenders Discuss Strategies for Life after Prison at Joint Center ;

U.S. Newswire - Policymakers, Ex-Offenders Discuss Strategies for Life after Prison at Joint Center Forum; Audio Available on Joint Center Web Site: "Policymakers, Ex-Offenders Discuss Strategies for Life after Prison at Joint Center Forum; Audio Available on Joint Center Web Site
6/28/2004 9:52:00 AM

Contact: Liselle Yorke of the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, 202-789-6366 or

WASHINGTON, June 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- Over the next decade, more than 500,000 former inmates will be released annually. Most will be unable to receive public assistance and will be barred from public housing. Many of them will also be barred from voting and would not be allowed to hold certain jobs, including barber, beautician, and hearing aid dealer. These repercussions from the war on drugs of the 1980's have left policymakers and others scrambling for ways to reintegrate ex-offenders into the American economy. The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies on June 24 hosted a forum on Capitol Hill to discuss effective strategies to help former felons become productive, responsible citizens.
Broadcast quality audio from that briefing is now available on the Joint Center's website at in Real Player and Windows Media formats. It will be posted for 30 days and may be used without restriction." News - - Detox Or Prison - 'A Choice for Addicted Criminals' News - Latest News - Detox Or Prison - 'A Choice for Addicted Criminals': "Detox Or Prison - 'A Choice for Addicted Criminals'

By David Barrett, Home Affairs Correspondent, PA News

Drug addict criminals could be offered detox treatment as an alternative to prison, Home Secretary David Blunkett suggested today.

Mr Blunkett told a conference of drug and alcohol workers that not all addicts who commit crimes should necessarily be put behind bars.

The alternative could particularly apply to young offenders, he said."

The Australian: Border security going digital [June 29, 2004]

The Australian: Border security going digital [June 29, 2004]: "
Border security going digital
Simon Hayes
June 29, 2004
THE Department of Immigration will build a giant database to store digital photographs, fingerprints and other biometric identifiers from visa applicants and immigration detainees as part of a multimillion-dollar upgrade to border security.

The move comes ahead of next week's launch of a biometrics capture lab that will allow the department to test the new technologies. "

Monday, June 28, 2004

Charities: cash spent on poor will save £400m - [Sunday Herald] Scotland

Charities: cash spent on poor will save £400m - [Sunday Herald]: "Charities: cash spent on poor will save £400m

By Stephen Naysmith, Social Affairs Correspondent

LEADING charities are calling for a �visionary� investment to help drug users, ex-prisoners and the homeless find work � and which they claim would save £400 million over 10 years.
In a manifesto to be submitted to the Scottish Executive this week, the group argues that spending £20m a year on such people would pay dividends by taking them off welfare and reducing costs related to crime and imprisonment."

Vasectomy sentence raises questions USA

Vasectomy sentence raises questions: Campbell County judge offers sterilization to delinquent dads
By Jim Hannah
"Foellger is one of a handful of judges nationwide placing restrictions on men's rights to father children. The judges say they're fed up with men who refuse to take responsibility for the kids they help produce. They say drastic action is needed to curb mounting delinquent child-support payments - now $1.4 billion in Kentucky and $4.1 billion in Ohio. " - USA| Court case on juvenile killers may echo here | Court case on juvenile killers may echo here: "This fall, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider whether to outlaw the execution of someone who killed while age 16 or 17. The court's decision, expected next spring, could end this nation's distinction as one of the last places in the world where juvenile offenders are executed.
Momentum for lifting the minimum age has been building. This year, Wyoming and South Dakota raised the age to 18, although New Hampshire Gov. Craig Benson vetoed similar legislation. Now, 19 of the 38 states with the death penalty reserve it for those who kill at age 18 or older.
Polls have found that the public opposes the execution of juvenile offenders, and scientific studies are producing evidence that the brain is not fully mature before age 18 - that juveniles think differently."

Scotland on Sunday - Politics - 'Green card weddings' up 1,000%

Scotland on Sunday - Politics - 'Green card weddings' up 1,000%: "'Green card weddings' up 1,000%


A CRACKDOWN on bogus weddings involving immigrants trying to acquire British passports has resulted in 2,000-plus sham marriages being exposed, more than 10 times the figure for the previous year.

Home Office ministers have admitted that the total of �green card� marriages reported to the authorities leapt from 205 in 2002 to 2,172 last year. "

STUFF : : New Zealand's leading news and information website

STUFF : NATIONAL NEWS - STORY : New Zealand's leading news and information website: "Worst criminals' DNA on file
28 June 2004

The DNA of more than 700 of New Zealand's worst criminals is now on police file after a law change in April.

Since the Criminal Investigations (Bodily Samples) Act came into force on April 15, police have mounted a push to collect samples from criminals before they come up for release.
The law change means police can now collect DNA from criminals who were sentenced to more than seven years in prison before 1996. The revised legislation also covers compulsory sampling of burglars. This means the DNA of some of the most serious offenders will now be held on file. "

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Teens discuss justice, school

Archives: Story: "Teens discuss justice, school
By Cory Golden/Enterprise staff writer

When Maggie Navarro joined the Fresno County Juvenile Justice Committee, she saw up close the blueprints for a new $176 million juvenile detention center slated for completion in phases planned out to 2040.

She realized officials were planning to house offenders who had not been born yet, for her children's generation.

'I was like, 'No, no, no,' ' Navarro said. 'It's distressing.'

Navarro said she had come to realize that those planning the facility, by including such things as on-site counseling, medical care and legal help, do mean well. But it hasn't lessened her drive to keep kids in school and out of jail." - State Prepares To Reopen Juvenile Jail In Frederick County - State Prepares To Reopen Juvenile Jail In Frederick County - News - State Prepares To Reopen Juvenile Jail In Frederick County: "The intent of the legislation is to keep the youths near their families, who could help support their rehabilitation, and in smaller programs where they will receive personal attention."

"Common Policy on Alcohol and Alcohol-Related Problems in Europe

Common Policy on Alcohol and Alcohol-Related Problems in Europe
Common Policy on Alcohol and Alcohol-Related Problems in Europe: "Common Policy on Alcohol and Alcohol-Related Problems in Europe

Press Release
State Agency for Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems in Poland
Department of Public Eduaction and Research
01-458 Warsaw, 25 Szancowa Str.

Warsaw, Poland - Research has shown that every fourth young European aged 15-29 dies for reasons related to drinking of alcohol. In Eastern Europe, alcohol is a cause of every third death among young people! Each year, approx. 55 thousand young Europeans die as a result of negative effects of alcohol overuse ["

The New York Times > Opinion > The Price of Prisons

The New York Times > Opinion > The Price of Prisons: "The Price of Prisons

Published: June 26, 2004

Prisons and Prisoners
Mental Health and Disorders
hirteen million Americans have been convicted of felonies and spent time in prison � more than the population of Greece. And they tend to return to prison again and again. Of the 650,000 inmates who will be released in 2004, two-thirds will be back behind bars within few years. The cost of keeping so many in jail � the operating expenses for state prisons alone is around $30 billion a year � has created bipartisan concern. Congress, which spent so many years obsessed with how to look tough on crime, is currently considering legislation that would tackle two of the big factors behind the revolving-door phenomenon: the huge number of mentally ill people in prison, and the difficulty ex-convicts have in carving out new lives in the law-abiding world. "

News - - Supreme Court decision throws sentencing guidelines into question

News - - Serving the Great South Coast of Oregon: "Page Updated: Saturday, June 26, 2004 10:00 AM PDT
Supreme Court decision throws sentencing guidelines into question

By Anne Gearan, Associated Press Writer
WASHINGTON - Federal prosecutors postponed Friday's sentencing of an anti-abortion activist once on the FBI's most wanted list, a reaction to an unexpected Supreme Court ruling that called into legal doubt sentencing practices used around the country.

Prosecutors in Philadelphia decided to ask a judge to put off sentencing Clayton Lee Waagner because it was unclear whether or how Thursday's ruling from the high court might affect that case and others.
'Everybody is trying to sort out the meaning of the decision,' said Timothy Rice, chief of the criminal division for the U.S. attorney's office in Philadelphia.

The Supreme Court ruled that only juries, not judges, may lengthen prison terms beyond the maximum set out in state sentencing guidelines. The ruling was surprising for its sweep and for the dire predictions it produced from dissenting justices."

Reuters AlertNet - - Iran police blame USA, UK for flow of Afghan drugs

Reuters AlertNet - Iran police blame USA, UK for flow of Afghan drugs: "Iran police blame USA, UK for flow of Afghan drugs
26 Jun 2004 19:03:55 GMT

By Amir Paivar
TEHRAN, June 26 (Reuters) - Iran's police blamed Britain and the United States for bumper poppy crops in Afghanistan that are enflaming social problems in the Islamic Republic where more than 2 million people are drug addicts."


Main Page: "After a nearly yearlong review, the ABA Justice Kennedy Commission has concluded that America's criminal justice systems rely too heavily on incarceration and need to consider other, more effective alternatives. "

The Australian: Internet used for refugee verdicts [June 26, 2004]

The Australian: Internet used for refugee verdicts [June 26, 2004]: "Internet used for refugee verdicts
By Elizabeth Colman
June 26, 2004
IMMIGRATION officials are forced to use the internet to find information about asylum-seekers because the department's own information service is inadequate.

The Country Information Service database - used to find out about overseas hot spots - was not detailed enough to enable officers to make a decision on refugee status, the Auditor-General has found. "

Youth justice reform urged - The Honolulu Advertiser - Hawaii's Newspaper

Youth justice reform urged - The Honolulu Advertiser - Hawaii's Newspaper: "Posted on: Friday, June 25, 2004
Youth justice reform urged
By Peter Boylan
Advertiser Staff Writer
The state needs to immediately remedy crowding and staff shortages at the Hawai'i Youth Correctional Facility and the Alder Street youth detention facility to improve conditions at both sites, said a visiting national expert on juvenile detention.
The state officials concluded that alternatives to incarceration must be developed that look out for the best interest of the youth while maintaining an acceptable level of public safety. They also agreed to revamp training practices and codes of conduct for all employees working with children in the juvenile justice system, and eliminate duplicated programs that operate in different departments."

Friday, June 25, 2004

Justice Department Announces New Violent Crime Reduction Initiative - USA

Justice Department Announces New Violent Crime Reduction Initiative: "VCIT has been designed to work in conjunction with Project Safe Neighborhoods, a comprehensive nationwide strategy geared toward combating gun crime in communities across the country. VCIT builds on the success of PSN, but adds additional resources to the target cities." Politics - Political Science - Political Information Politics - Political Science - Political Information: "
Friday, June 25, 2004

Welcome to ! is an independent and non-partisan portal for political resources, news, and information. Designed for political professionals, and academic researchers. is also aimed at students, librarians, political activists, media editors and journalists. is one of the most comprehensive on-line resources for politics, political science, political information. "

The Implementation of CrimTrac - Australian National Audit Office

List of Latest Audit Reports: "The Implementation of CrimTrac
No. 53
Year: 2003/2004
Tabled: Thursday, 17th June 2004
Audit Type: Performance Audit
Agency: CrimTrac
Theme: Application of information technology and resources

The overall objective of the audit was to assess CrimTrac's progress in achieving the key deliverables it was established to provide, given that the agency had been in operation for some three years. The Australian Government provided $50 million for the implementation of CrimTrac, with an expectation that significant progress would be made within the first three years. The audit further examined whether CrimTrac had progressed the key deliverables efficiently and effectively, and whether the data either held by CrimTrac, or accessed through CrimTrac, for matching purposes is secure.

Available downloads:

Audit Report 53 (Adobe PDF 2,182Kb)"

Management of the Processing of Asylum Seekers - Australian National Audit Office

List of Latest Audit Reports: "
Management of the Processing of Asylum Seekers
No. 56
Year: 2003/2004
Tabled: Thursday, 24th June 2004
Audit Type: Performance Audit
Agency: Department of Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs'
Theme: Performance management and measurement, Service delivery

The objective of this audit was to assess the extent to which PV applications in Australia are processed in accordance with relevant laws and policies, and whether DIMIA employs appropoiate mechanisms to ensure compliance with those laws and policies.

Available downloads:

Audit Report 56 (Adobe PDF 385Kb)"

STUFF - New Zealand - Visit NZ, stay with a crim

STUFF - STORY - HOME : New Zealand's leading news and information website: "Visit NZ, stay with a crim
25 June 2004

The Corrections Department is paroling criminals to live in backpacker hostels for months, often without telling the hostels they are there.

Three are living in hostels where they have been for between two and seven months, Corrections probation manager Katrina Casey confirmed last night.
At least one has been convicted of a violent crime. "

Thursday, June 24, 2004

Sutff NZ:- Home detention to be reviewed,2106,2950478a11,00.html

Home detention to be reviewed
24 June 2004


The Government is reviewing home detention and may stop violent criminals spending part of their sentence at home.
The review will also consider whether wife-bashers should be sentenced to live with their wives.

Japan Eyes Biometrics to Tighten Immigration Steps |

Technology News Article | "Japan Eyes Biometrics to Tighten Immigration Steps
Wed Jun 23, 2004 02:52 AM ET
Printer Friendly | Email Article | Reprints | RSS

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan will consider using unique biological data about individuals such as fingerprints and facial features to tighten immigration controls as part of its counter-terrorism policy, government officials said "

Cops help human traffickers

Cops help human traffickers: "Cops help human traffickers
23/06/2004 20:36 - (SA)
Belgrade - The abduction, torture and forced sexual abuse of women and children is a growing menace in Serbia and is happening at times with the participation of police, an independent report said on Wednesday. "

New Zealand News - NZ - Prisons full to overflowing

New Zealand News - NZ - Prisons full to overflowing: "Prisons full to overflowing

The country's prisons are overflowing, forcing Corrections to open emergency units and double up more inmates in cells.
An unprecedented 20 per cent hike in the number of women inmates has been particularly problematic, resulting in up to 25 at one time being locked in police cells to cope with overflows. "

New legislation to tackle passport fraud - Anti-Terror Watch -

New legislation to tackle passport fraud - Anti-Terror Watch - "New legislation to tackle passport fraud
June 24, 2004 - 11:25AM

Foreign Minister Alexander Downer today introduced legislation into parliament to crack down on passport fraud.
The Australian Passports Bill 2004 aims to combat identity fraud and the possible misuse of passports by terrorists and other criminals.
Under the draft law, penalties for passport fraud will rise from $5,000 or two years in jail to $110,000 or 10 years in jail.
The bill also provides for the introduction of facial biometric technology to verify identity. "

New Scientist - Snorted virus dampens rats' cocaine high

New Scientist: "Snorted virus dampens rats' cocaine high

17:37 22 June 04

Rats snorting a modified virus into their brains show some immunity from the effects of cocaine, a new study has shown.
Existing therapies that aim to help addicts conquer their dependence use antibodies to block cocaine before it reaches the brain and produces a 'high'. But this approach means that some of the highly addictive drug may still slip into the brain, says Kim Janda, a chemical biologist at the Scripps Research Institute, California, US." Rights-Southern Africa: Human Trafficking Stretches Across the Region Southern Africa: Rights-Southern Africa: Human Trafficking Stretches Across the Region: "Rights-Southern Africa: Human Trafficking Stretches Across the Region

Inter Press Service (Johannesburg)
June 23, 2004
Posted to the web June 23, 2004
Moyiga Nduru
Young South African women are being given false job offers to lure them into prostitution in Macau, a former Portuguese colony now under Chinese control, says the International Organisation for Migration (IOM)."

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

: If police ask, you must give your name |

Court: If police ask, you must give your name | "Court: If police ask, you must give your name

The high court rules 5 to 4 that officers can arrest people who won't reveal their identity.

By Warren Richey | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

WASHINGTON � US citizens do not enjoy a constitutional right to refuse to reveal their identity when requested by police.
In what may become a major boost to US law enforcement and antiterrorism efforts, the US Supreme Court Monday upheld a Nevada law that makes it a criminal offense for anyone suspected of wrongdoing to refuse to identify himself to police."

TIME Asia Magazine: Ice: From Gang to Bust -- Jun. 28, 2004

TIME Asia Magazine: Ice: From Gang to Bust -- Jun. 28, 2004: "The 'plastics factory' was, from start to finish, a multinational affair. So, these days, is organized crimeand small Pacific nations are increasingly vulnerable to its embrace.

Lying between Asia and the rich markets of the United States, Australia and New Zealand, the islands are perfectly placed for transpacific smuggling. They're eager to attract tourists and investors, but their undersized police forces and outdated drug laws are easy to exploit. The Philippines, Guam, Palau and the Marianas have long been pit stops for drug traffickers, and police have warned for years that South Pacific states are also at risk."

Augusta Free Press : Piracy ... not a victimless crime

Augusta Free Press : Piracy ... not a victimless crime: "And now there is a growing link between piracy and organized crime.
Organized crime has become heavily involved in foreign DVD and CD piracy. Criminals are using the same formidable distribution network and means that were developed for drug trafficking and arms smuggling.
Evidence indicates that a diverse group of terrorist entities, including Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah, derive income from piracy, ultimately using the money to fund everything from their lifestyles to their terrorist operations."

The Norway Post - One out of three receive asylum

The Norway Post - Doorway to Norway: "21. Juni 2004

One out of three receive asylum

One out of three asylum seekers who have had their applications processed in in Norway needs protection, according to fresh figures from the Immigration Directorate (UDI"


21 June 2004

THE Island should make provision in law for asylum seekers or it will end up 'ashamed', Bishop Graeme Knowles has warned.

His comments came during Wednesday's Tynwald debate on Chief Minister Richard Corkill's successful motion that the provisions of the UK Asylum and Immigration Act 1996 and the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 should extend to the Island, with appropriate exceptions, adaptations and modifications.

This brings the Island further up-to-date with UK law, improving immigration control powers."

Expatica �Minister ups departure sum for rejected asylum seekers

Expatica � Living in, moving to, or working in the Netherlands, plus Dutch news in English: "Minister ups departure sum for rejected asylum seekers

21 June 2004
AMSTERDAM � Asylum seekers who have been refused asylum in the Netherlands will in future be paid EUR 2,320 if they voluntarily leave the country. That is almost double the present departure sum.
Immigration Minister Rita Verdonk also said they will receive a free ticket and might also be compensated for the cost of transporting their household goods back to their country of origin."

Sunday, June 20, 2004 - Britain is light years ahead in fighting child porn - Britain is light years ahead in fighting child porn: " Print Story
E-mail Story

Jun. 20, 2004. 08:38 AM


Britain is light years ahead in fighting child porn


A bilious sensation rises in the throat. Representatives of the business caste known as "Internet service providers" meet the media and say, well, hey, we're not the Internet police.

Not much we can do about them there child porn pictures of the execrable type scrutinized by Michael Briere, say the ISPs. We are the "innocent carriers." The repulsive, illegal cargo? Not really our problem.

Next question.

All right, here's one. How is that the United Kingdom is light years ahead of Canada on this issue?

How is it that the U.K.'s Internet Watch Foundation has been in the business of cracking down on Internet crap for more than seven years and we have yet to establish its comparator?

How is it that the same foundation is funded, in part, by proactive ISPs who loudly and publicly proclaim their desire to help stamp out kiddie porn on the Net?

The Internet Watch Foundation was established in 1996. The following year it reported that 18 per cent of potentially illegal Internet content was "hosted" by U.K. Internet service providers. Today the federation claims that the figure has been reduced to 1 per cent.

How did that happen?

The fast answer is a broad coalition of co-operation and a shared determination to stop the Net-fed sexual exploitation of children.

The specific tools include an Internet hot line of the type advocated recently by Ontario Attorney-General Michael Bryant. In its most recent annual report, released in March, the IWF says that in 2003 it processed 20,000 reports of potentially illegal content. It also reported the grim statistic that of the 99 per cent of child abuse images traced to outside the U.K., 55 per cent were sourced in the United States, where, it notes, "very few" Internet service providers have registered with the U.S. equivalent of the IWF.

Lucky for the Brits, the IWF's hotline works closely with a national high tech crime unit, created in 2001, trained specifically to shut down illegal Net activities, including the dissemination of criminally racist material.

Greater luck: a "receptive and amendable" ISP community offers swift response via an effective notice and "take-down" system.

The IWF is highly visible, and posts the names of newly joined funding members. A company called Telewest Communications joined in April. Those who fail to join will become notable by their absence. An astute public can now choose a service provider based on whether they're in or they're out."

Summit focuses on demon drug meth - June 18, 2004

Summit focuses on �demon drug� meth - June 18, 2004: "June 18, 2004

Summit focuses on �demon drug� meth
Mail Tribune" - Thousands of Bulgarians, Romanians Face Visa Fiasco "Thousands of Bulgarians, Romanians Face Visa Fiasco
About 23,000 Bulgarians and Romanians who came to Britain in the last two years on a controversial visa scheme for self-employed face the threat of being expelled from the country.

They are being told to prove they have set up businesses, otherwise will be sent home."

Judge examines family life to help young offenders [USA]

Judge examines family life to help young offenders: "Judge examines family life to help young offenders
Star-Tribune staff writer

SHERIDAN -- When it comes to juvenile delinquency, the family members of a troubled kid sometimes also need help, 5th District Judge Gary Hartman said here Thursday at a statewide conference on juvenile justice."

Fight Against Crime Among South Asians (from Ealing Times)

Fight Against Crime Among South Asians (from Ealing Times): "Fight against crime among South Asians
By Ushma Mistry
A SPECIAL intelligence cell costing £5 million has been set up to combat organised crime after the number of murders among South Asians has more than tripled in the last decade.
Assistant Commissioner Tarique Ghaffur, the Head of the Met's Specialist Crime Directorate, is calling on South Asian Londoners, which includes Tamils, Sikhs, Pakistanis, Bengalis and Indians, to report members of their community who are involved in organised crime after the number of murders rose from just ten in 1993 to 38 last year."

Reality Macedonia : Buchkovski Stops Investigation into Organized Crime in the Ministry of Defense

Reality Macedonia : Buchkovski Stops Investigation into Organized Crime in the Ministry of Defense: "Buchkovski Stops Investigation into Organized Crime in the Ministry of Defense
Vlado Buchkovski, the Minister of Defense, has abolished the department responsible for investigations into criminal activities within the Ministry after inspectors discovered cases of corruption committed by current and former office holders, claim source of Vreme daily. Inspectors also claimed that their unit was broken up when they discovered that it isn't just the Ministry of Defence who should be subjected to such investigations. "

Taipei Times - Old-style crime gets a boost online

Taipei Times - archives: "Old-style crime gets a boost online
Organized crime is thriving on the Internet, but many victims think that talking about it will only worsen the problem
By Matthew Wall
Friday, Jun 18, 2004,Page 9 "

STUFF : : US to review report of human trafficking claims in NZ

STUFF : NATIONAL NEWS - STORY : New Zealand's leading news and information website: "US to review report of human trafficking claims in NZ
19 June 2004

The United States State Department will review information in a report on human trafficking after widespread criticism over claims New Zealand had 'a large problem', the US Embassy said yesterday. "

Friday, June 18, 2004

Swiss news from swissinfo, Parliament moves towards new immigration law

Swiss news from swissinfo, the Swiss news platform: "The controversial legislation aims to curb illegal immigration, crack down on abuse in the labour market but also promote integration."

German Parties Reach Immigration Law Agreement | Deutsche Welle | 17.06.2004

German Parties Reach Immigration Law Agreement | Germany | Deutsche Welle | 17.06.2004: "
Germany's government and opposition have hammered out a difficult compromise the country's long-awaited immigration law aimed at admitting foreign workers and protecting asylum seekers.

The deal summed up nearly four years of inter-party wrangling over how to regulate immigration, promote the integration of newcomers into German society and replace a patchwork of rules with a modern law meant to signal openness and tolerance."

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

Rising name on America's most-wanted list |

Rising name on America's most-wanted list | "
World > Middle East
from the June 15, 2004 edition

HUNTED: Marines in Fallujah studied portraits of of Jordanian-born militant Abu Musab al-Zarqawi after a string of attacks against coalition targets across Iraq.

Rising name on America's most-wanted list

Zarqawi may have taken a key role not only in Iraq violence, but also in Al Qaeda

By Faye Bowers and Peter Grier | Staff writers of The Christian Science Monitor

WASHINGTON � The shadowy Abu Musab al-Zarqawi may be rapidly becoming Public Enemy No. 2 in the war on terror - an Islamist extremist almost as wanted as Osama bin Laden himself."

The Daily Telegraph | Backpacks' black cash

The Daily Telegraph | Backpacks' black cash: "Backpacks' black cash
June 15, 2004
BONDI'S illegal backpacker trade is run by highly organised networks � some with criminal links, it has been revealed.

Waverley Council has evidence of a brazen group buying up properties solely for the purpose of providing illegal hostels in the tourist-saturated suburb.
And it is believed the ploy has attracted an organised crime element, with dodgy operators laundering money and evading tax."

STUFF - Passports to expire every five years

STUFF - STORY - HOME : New Zealand's leading news and information website: "Passports to expire every five years
15 June 2004

New Zealanders are to be made to renew their passports every five years, at a cost of $71, instead of every decade.

Any visas or entitlements to reside in other countries such as Britain or America, which normally expire with a passport, will also have to be re-applied for every five years.
Becoming a New Zealand citizen is also to get tougher under plans to crack down on passport fraud and on children born here to foreign parents. "

Monday, June 14, 2004

Expatica - Al-Qaeda cell in Netherlands 'ready to attack'

Expatica � Living in, moving to, or working in the Netherlands, plus Dutch news in English: "
Al-Qaeda cell in Netherlands 'ready to attack'

10 June 2004
AMSTERDAM � Osama bin Laden's terrorist network al-Qaeda has an active cell in the Netherlands which is ready to strike, according to the published transcript of telephone intercepts."

Dutch political culture 'cultivates migrant hate' - Expatica

Dutch political culture 'cultivates migrant hate'

7 June 2004

AMSTERDAM — Dutch political culture is sowing hate and criminalising migrants, former Liberal VVD leader Hans Dijkstal has claimed. He particularly slammed a proposal to publicly identify migrants on how much they have integrated into Dutch society.

Webmaster cleared of promoting terrorism | The Register

Webmaster cleared of promoting terrorism | The Register: "Webmaster cleared of promoting terrorism
By John Leyden
Published Friday 11th June 2004 10:20 GMT
A US jury yesterday cleared a Saudi graduate student of running websites that allegedly fostered terrorism.
Sami Omar Al-Hussayen, 34, a computer science student at the University of Idaho, was accused of running websites used to recruit terrorists, raise money and spread inflammatory rhetoric. The Islamic Assembly of North America websites were used by Al-Hussayen to run religious edicts defending suicide bombing and to solicit money for the militant Palestinian group Hamas, prosecutors alleged. The defence said Al-Hussayen was only a volunteer webmaster."

German hate mail spam attack stuns experts | The Register

German hate mail spam attack stuns experts | The Register: "German hate mail spam attack stuns experts
By Jan Libbenga
Published Friday 11th June 2004 08:31 GMT

Mailboxes in Germany and the Netherlands were flooded yesterday with spam containing German right-wing propaganda. Spammers used the Sober.G virus - a mass mailing worm that sends itself to email addresses harvested from infected computers - to spread their messages as widely as possible.
Analysts think the spammers may have worked in tandem with virus programmers to hijack PCs and use addresses found there to build large distribution lists. This is believed to be the first time that right wing extremists have used spamming systematically to reach a broad audience. The sheer size of the operation stunned many experts."

Trinidad News, SMOKESCREEN

Trinidad News, Trinidad Newspaper, Trinidad Sports, Trinidad politics, Trinidad and Tobago, Tobago News, Trinidad classifieds, Trinidad TV, Sports, Business:

Police bills intended to shift attention from crime - Part X of a Special Investigation by Camini Marajh : Sunday, June 13th 2004

"But while the Manning administration has sought cover- from mounting public criticism- behind the Opposition's refusal to support 'crucial' police reform, security analysts have questioned the government's contention that runaway crime can only be solved by more legislation. "

The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 17 - Prisoner abuse and prison reform in Bangladesh

The Daily Star Web Edition Vol. 5 Num 17: "Point-Counterpoint

Prisoner abuse and prison reform in Bangladesh
Hasanat Alamgir and Habibur Rahman

The rising number of imprisoned people in Bangladesh is exhausting the limited resources available at the prison facilities. The total prison population (including pre-trial detainees/remand prisoners) at present is 83,136. The high level of official confidentiality cuts off information about the conditions of inmates in Bangladeshi prisons. By barring human rights groups, the media, and other outside and independent observers' access to the punitive facilities, government policy makers and prison officials shield prevailing substandard conditions from public comprehension and critical inquiries."

The New York Times - Russia Seeks Balance in Drug-Use Sentencing

The New York Times > International > Europe > Russia Seeks Balance in Drug-Use Sentencing: "the new policies restore a balance between crime and punishment and protect small-time drug offenders - those caught with up to 10 doses of illicit substances for personal use - from prison and its associated risks. Drug treatment specialists and aid workers describe the change as a breakthrough that could alleviate prison overcrowding and perhaps the spread of infectious diseases."

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Poor intelligence hampers police - --

Poor intelligence hampers police - Crime & Corruption - "Even with what intelligence is available, Victorian police computer systems do not provide for data-matching as is normal for crime intelligence units in interstate and federal police forces and crime and corruption commissions in NSW, Queensland and Western Australia."

IOL : New law bans gangs in KZN

IOL : New law bans gangs in KZN: "New law bans gangs in KZN

June 12 2004 at 09:21AM

By Mbulelo Baloyi, Ayanda Mhlongo and Bongani Mthembu

On Friday KwaZulu-Natal Safety and Security Minister Bheki Cele warned youngsters attracted to gangsterism that the full might of the Prevention of Organised Crime Act - which outlaws gang membership - would be unleashed on them."

Telegraph | News | Queen's Birthday Honours

Telegraph | News | Queen's Birthday Honours: "Queen's Birthday Honours
(Filed: 12/06/2004) "

WORLD June 19, 2004: Crime as redemption

WORLD June 19, 2004: Crime as redemption: "Crime as redemption
A Muslim sect turns vice into a tool against Western enemies
By Gene Edward Veith
INVESTIGATORS OF THE 3/11 TERRORIST ATTACK ON Spain have found that the leader of the radical Islamic cell was a drug dealer who traded a load of hashish for the explosives that killed 191 people. Spanish authorities are finding that the al-Qaeda-related terrorists are also �tangled up in organized crime, the underworld of robbery, counterfeiting, fraud, drug dealing, and murder.
How can that be? A Muslim who steals is to have his hand cut off. Islam forbids the use of drugs. How can there be an alliance between fundamentalist Islam and organized crime?"

Saturday, June 12, 2004

WHO Report: Violence in Homes, on Streets Costs Billions

WHO Report: Violence in Homes, on Streets Costs Billions: "WHO Report: Violence in Homes, on Streets Costs Billions

A World Health Organization (WHO) report concludes that countries are spending up to 4 percent of their gross domestic product on arresting, trying, and imprisoning violent offenders and providing medical and psychiatric care to victims, the Associated Press reported June 9."

Link Seen Between Cigarette Smuggling, Terrorism

Link Seen Between Cigarette Smuggling, Terrorism: "Link Seen Between Cigarette Smuggling, Terrorism

The federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) says illegal cigarette trafficking is funding terrorist organizations such as al Qaeda and Hezbollah"

U.K.: Report Says Institutional Islamophobia Could Spark Muslim Discontent - RADIO FREE EUROPE/ RADIO LIBERTY


U.K.: Report Says Institutional Islamophobia Could Spark Muslim Discontent
By Jan Jun

A new report says Muslims in Britain have been demonised in the period since the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks in the U.S. The report, by an independent Islamic think tank, adds that the government so far has failed to prevent what the report calls 'institutional Islamophobia.'"

Tighter Immigration And Asylum Measures Proposed - RADIO FREE EUROPE/ RADIO LIBERTY

RADIO FREE EUROPE/ RADIO LIBERTY: "U.K.: Tighter Immigration And Asylum Measures Proposed
By Jan Jun

The British government has presented proposals to bring the country's asylum and immigration legislation in laws with those elsewhere in Europe."

ePolitix - Ministers hail success on young offenders

ePolitix - Ministers hail success on young offenders: "Ministers hail success on young offenders

Ministers have hailed their success in speeding up the way persistent young offenders are dealt with by the courts system.
Figures published on Friday for the first quarter of 2004 showed that the government had continued to meet its pledge to halve the time from arrest to sentencing for young offenders."

UK must take cybercrime-busting lead -

UK must take cybercrime-busting lead - "
UK must take cybercrime-busting lead

June 11 2004

by Will Sturgeon

Don't let progress come at a price...

A government project announced today is urging the UK to take the lead in making cyberspace a trusted place to work and to not let progress come at the cost of security. "

FBI agent warns of cyber crime getting smaller -

Business - "FBI agent warns of cyber crime getting smaller

High-tech devices can thwart investigations

Statesman Journal
June 11, 2004

Tiny cameras hidden near ATMs could be watching you enter your PIN. E-mails linking to Web sites mimicking your bank�s site might ask for your personal information. Scammers armed with hard drives in fountain pens could steal your business records.

A Portland-based FBI Supervisor Special Agent spoke about the threats of identity theft and other cyber crimes "

National security & IT: UK needs more high tech police resource :: :: e-Government & public sector IT news from

National security & IT: UK needs more high tech police resource :: :: e-Government & public sector IT news from: "National security & IT: UK needs more high tech police resource

2004-02-10 13:44:11

An elite squad of specialist investigators will take on the new challenge of fighting modern organised crime, the Home Secretary has announced. The National Hi-Tech Crime Unit will come under the remit of the new agency, and be a key tool in fighting the potential threats and security breaches inherent when we get to a fully 'e-Governmented' UK."

'Virtual' identity parades in Scotland to catch criminals :: :: e-Government & public sector IT news from

'Virtual' identity parades in Scotland to catch criminals :: :: e-Government & public sector IT news from: "'Virtual' identity parades in Scotland to catch criminals

2004-04-06 06:50:00

The Scottish Solicitor General, Elish Angiolini QC has taken a hard look at a new identification system that will introduce virtual identity parades for criminals and make the process of identification more convenient and less stressful for victims and other witnesses."

Home Office reports on success of Automated Fingerprint Identification :: e-Government & public sector IT news from

Home Office reports on success of Automated Fingerprint Identification System :: :: e-Government & public sector IT news from: "The Home Office has published a report which outlines the results of a research investigation of the impact of the National Automated Fingerprint Identification System (NAFIS) on the police use of fingerprint evidence. "

Police modernisation planned, £13m to go to improve 10 forces :: :: e-Government & public sector IT news from

Police modernisation planned, �13m to go to improve 10 forces :: :: e-Government & public sector IT news from: "Police modernisation planned, £13m to go to improve 10 forces

2004-03-22 06:40:00

A new initiative to free up police officers to tackle crime and provide high visibility policing in communities has been announced by Home Office Home Secretary, David Blunkett.

Forces in 10 pilot areas will receive £13 million of Home Office funding to recruit additional civilian staff to do the station-based jobs traditionally performed by police officers, allowing officers to get back on the frontline, policing their communities. It comes on top of the Government's existing work to modernise the police service, cut bureaucracy and invest in IT to improve efficiency and effectiveness. "

Gun crime attacked with new National Firearms Forensic Intelligence Database :: e-Government & public sector IT news from

Gun crime attacked with new National Firearms Forensic Intelligence Database :: :: e-Government & public sector IT news from: "Gun crime attacked with new National Firearms Forensic Intelligence Database

2003-12-03 08:30:00

The fight to tackle gun crime by police forces in England and Wales gets a boost with the National Firearms Forensic Intelligence Database (NFFID) which is now fully operational."

ID Cards: There are serious issues for disabled people, warns BCS

ID Cards: There are serious issues for disabled people, warns BCS :: :: e-Government & public sector IT news from: "ID Cards: There are serious issues for disabled people, warns BCS

2004-06-11 07:00:00

Hundreds of thousands of people face potentially serious problems in both the creation and use of a national ID card because the government�s proposals fail to take account of common disabilities. So says the British Computer Society (BCS).

The BCS says the emphasis on biometric technology such as fingerprint and iris recognition raises significant issues for people with various disabilities. "

Friday, June 11, 2004

IHT: Terror in Europe: A window opens

IHT: Terror in Europe: A window opens: "PARIS A suspected mastermind of the Madrid train bombings was planning another terrorist attack, but intelligence and law enforcement officials in Europe say they are still struggling to determine its nature and location."

The newest prison contraband: cellphones |

The newest prison contraband: cellphones | "
USA > Justice
from the June 11, 2004 edition

The newest prison contraband: cellphones

By Kris Axtman | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor

HOUSTON They're annoying, those little cellphones, on trains, in restaurants, in packed waiting rooms.
But what was once a simple annoyance is now a growing problem in prisons and jails across America. Cellphones are becoming the newest form of coveted contraband, allowing inmates to communicate freely with the outside world and, at times, conduct illicit activity from behind bars. While the problem is not yet widespread, it's growing larger, keeping pace with a high-tech, wireless world."

Mobile porn is a 'time bomb' | The Register

Mobile porn is a 'time bomb' | The Register: "Mobile porn is a 'time bomb'
Published Thursday 10th June 2004 16:09 GMT
European mobile phone firms must act to ensure that adult content reaches only adults, a research company warns. Mobile operators face a backlash over adult content if they are unable to balance lucrative revenues with legitimate parental anxieties, according to a report from research company Current Analysis. The warning comes as visual advances in mobile handset technology have led to the widespread introduction of mobile devices capable of taking pictures, videos and watching short video clips and films."

CIO Asia - Issue - Taking IT to the Street - Policing in Chicago

CIO Asia - Issue - Taking IT to the Street: "CLEAR is an enterprisewide vision of how anytime, anywhere access to centralized, relational data can empower intelligence-driven crime-fighting. While other police departments are struggling to integrate legacy data and applications, Chicago decided in the late 1990s that to have maximum impact, all policing intelligence should be accessible in one spot, with all tools leveraging and feeding that repository. "

Task Force on Sex Crimes Against Children and Women Begins Second Phase of Investigation

Task Force on Sex Crimes Against Children and Women Begins Second Phase of Investigation: Discusses "Issues such as the late budget, which affects funding for the various programs these organizations offer to victims, eliminating loopholes in current laws to better protect women, children and the public from violent offenders, and the issue of continued civil confinement for violent sexual predators if they are deemed a threat after completing their prison sentence,' "

Controversial asylum centre sparks outcry - swissinfo

swissinfo swiss information business culture news informations of switzerland : Front Story Detail: "Friday 11.06.2004, CET 11:25

Controversial asylum centre sparks outcry

swissinfo June 10, 2004 5:09 PM

100 people are to be housed in the concrete bunker (swissinfo)
A centre for rejected asylum applicants has opened in a former military bunker in the remote Jaunpass in the Bernese Oberland.

Refugee groups and residents have mounted fierce opposition to the controversial project for very different reasons." - Funds sought for program to hold young sex offenders accountable - Funds sought for program to hold young sex offenders accountable: "The county's program turns on the idea that young offenders are helped best by a combination of counseling, supervision, and monitoring for offenders and families or guardians.
The regimen also includes polygraph testing and repeated unannounced visits at home, school and work by probation officers. Juveniles write reports to their parents and parents do the same to authorities over anywhere from 9 to 24 months. "

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Commissioner 'increasingly alarmed' by ID card scheme | The Register

Commissioner 'increasingly alarmed' by ID card scheme | The Register: "Commissioner 'increasingly alarmed' by ID card scheme
By John Lettice
Published Wednesday 9th June 2004 10:09� GMT
David Blunkett's ID card draft bill came under fire yesterday from Information Commissioner Richard Thomas, who told the Home Affairs Committee ID cards inquiry that his views on the subject had changed from healthy scepticism to 'increasing alarm.' Thomas, who intends to publish a critique of the draft next month, attacked the draft for lack of clarity or any clear statement of purpose, and pointed out that the real issue was not the individual's ability to identify themself with a piece of plastic, but the nature of the information to be held on the central ID register.
The Home Office, astoundingly, responded that Thomas was engaging in a 'bit of grandstanding', expressing surprise that he hadn't raised his concerns directly with Home Secretary Blunkett."

The Internet: 'A Dirty Mess'

The Internet: 'A Dirty Mess': "June 8, 2004
The Internet: 'A Dirty Mess'
By Roy Mark

WASHINGTON -- The digital revolution has degenerated into an underworld of organized crime, dirty tactics, black ops and terrorism, said science fiction writer and cyberpunk pioneer Bruce Sterling Tuesday.
Keynoting a morning session of Gartner's 10th Annual IT Security Summit here, Sterling said, 'This is the birth of a genuine, no kidding, for-profit, electronic, multi-national criminal world. The global criminal world of oil, narcotics and guns now has broadband.'
And, according to Sterling, they are fully utilizing the technology"

Security precaution hits subways: Is it too much? |

Security precaution hits subways: Is it too much? | "Security precaution hits subways: Is it too much?

Boston is the first city to plan random searches of commuters, spurring questions over civil liberties.

By Elizabeth Armstrong and Noel C. Paul | Staff writers of The Christian Science Monitor

BOSTON � After Sept. 11, long lines and detailed security checks at airports marked Americans most direct experience with the 'new normal.' But in the aftermath of the Madrid train bombings in March, US law enforcement once again is broadening its presence at one of the most basic levels of American life - the nation's railways and subways. " - Separate body to control ID cards? - Separate body to control ID cards?: "Separate body to control ID cards?
Consultation paper proposes that external authority manages scheme
Sarah Arnott, Computing 09 Jun 2004
ADVERTISEMENTThe Home Secretary will lose control of citizen data held on the proposed national identity register, if plans for an independent authority to run and manage the UK's ID cards scheme go ahead."

Pot legalization report draws fire - Vancouver Sun

Vancouver Sun: "Pot legalization report draws fire
Fraser Institute says although it published report, it is not in favour of legalization

Broadcast News, Global BC

June 9, 2004

VANCOUVER - A report published by a right-wing think tank argues legalizing marijuana would add billions to government coffers, and cut out organized crime.

'The policies that we have in place just aren't effective in suppressing the activity,' says SFU economist Stephen Easton. 'It seems to me one reasonable alternative is that of legalization -- treat any social problems directly and openly, and then benefit from the revenue... generated by the marijuana industry.' (Global BC)

Use SMS for drugs news: study - -

Use SMS for drugs news: study - National - "Use SMS for drugs news: study
By Deborah Gough
Social Affairs Reporter
June 10, 2004

A call has gone out for SMS messaging to be used to warn illicit drug users about bad batches, after a survey found general drug cautions from parents or in television or magazine advertising campaigns were failing to get through.
Victorian Alcohol and Drug Association executive officer Carol Bennett said it was clear more creative ways were needed to warn young people, particularly those attending rave parties."

RCMP joins global force policing pedophiles on Web - - - RCMP joins global force policing pedophiles on Web: "Jun. 9, 2004. 12:38 PM

RCMP joins global force policing pedophiles on Web


LONDON � Police in Britain, Australia, Canada and the United States are planning joint patrols of Internet chat rooms in search of pedophiles, a senior British officer said today.
Forces from the four countries hope to introduce a '24/7 police presence on the Internet,' said Assistant Chief Const. Jim Gamble of the National Crime Squad."

A LOCAL VISION OF THE FUTURE [Policing] - this is scunthorpe

this is scunthorpe - news, entertainment, jobs, homes and cars: "12:30 - 09 June 2004

Local policing teams, with officers being responsible for designated areas, are the future of policing, according to Humberside's police commander."

DJJ building community behind fence to prepare juveniles for life - The State | 06/09/2004

The State | 06/09/2004 | DJJ building community behind fence to prepare juveniles for life: "Things are going well at DJJ thanks to a new commitment and new programs aimed at improving the lives of young offenders. DJJ is well on its way to shedding its well-earned label as a warehouse and a breeding ground for up-and-coming criminals. It is now out to reshape wayward youths and send healthy, productive young men and women back to their communities."

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

2004 E-Crime Watch Survey Shows Increase in Electronic Crimes - May 26 2004 11:18AM

News: 2004 E-Crime Watch Survey Shows Increase in Electronic Crimes - May 26 2004 11:18AM: "2004 E-Crime Watch Survey Shows Increase in Electronic Crimes
News Release May 26 2004
The 2004 E-Crime Watch survey conducted among security and law enforcement executives by CSO magazine in cooperation with the United States Secret Service and the Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Institute's CERT Coordination Center, shows a significant number of organizations reporting an increase in electronic crimes (e-crimes) and network, system or data intrusions. "

Small-scale Terrorist Attacks Using Chemical and Biological Agents: An Assessment Framework and Preliminary Comparisons"Small-scale Terrorist Attacks Using Chemical and Biological Agents: An Assessment Framework and Preliminary Comparisons (via FAS)"


A Witch's Brew Of Deadly Drugs | June 2, 2004 CBS News

CBS News | A Witch's Brew Of Deadly Drugs | June 2, 2004�21:56:25: "A Witch's Brew Of Deadly Drugs

MESA, Arizona, June 2, 2004
Youth Abusing New Drug

When drug counselor Mike Salazar talks to Phoenix-area students he hears more and more about the prescription muscle-relaxant Soma.

In fact, alarm bells blared when a 16-year-old girl was arrested for smuggling almost 3,000 Soma pills across the border from Mexico and distributing them through a five-school drug ring.

Fighting Back Against Cyber-Crime

Fighting Back Against Cyber-Crime: "Desperate times call for desperate measures, and to law enforcement officials tasked with fighting criminals online, the skyrocketing number of cyber-crimes is a full-blown crisis.

From the front lines, the call is for more of everything?more investigators, more funding and more attention from lawmakers and upper management. That call may finally be getting some attention.

While obstacles remain, those involved in the cyber-crime fight say there are growing reasons for optimism. Law enforcement agencies are sharing information more often and more widely than ever before. Investigators are more experienced. And, for its part, the technology industry is working on a variety of products that address some fundamental issues behind common cyber-crimes."

New anti-forgery ID cards will have space for prints - anti-forgery ID cards will have space for prints: "Taiwan

New anti-forgery ID cards will have space for prints

2004-06-07 / Central News Agency /
New R.O.C. ID cards will contain anti-forgery features and contain a space reserved for the owner's fingerprint, despite activists claims that such a requirement violates the cardholder's human rights. "

The Ubiquitous Mafia - ZAMAN DAILY NEWSPAPER (200406079316)

ZAMAN DAILY NEWSPAPER (200406079316): "ECONOMY06.07.2004 Monday

The Ubiquitous Mafia

According to 'Our Life, Mafia report,' prepared by the Ankara Chamber of Commerce, the mafia is active in over 100 localities.
The report estimated that throughout the world, organized crime roughly earns US$1trillion annually. Organized crime in Turkey makes US$60 billion annually, a quarter of the total national income and half of the government's 2004 budget. "

Monday, June 07, 2004

Implementing the Amsterdam Treaty: Cementing Fortress E - Statewatch News online:

Statewatch News online: Implementing the Amsterdam Treaty: Cementing Fortress Europe: "Implementing the Amsterdam Treaty: Cementing Fortress Europe
The five year deadline for agreement on the common EU immigration and asylum policy expired on 1 May 2004. This article examines the key decisions, how they were taken and what they will mean for asylum-seekers - this analysis as a pdf file"

Why Muslim women fit into European society faster than men |

Why Muslim women fit into European society faster than men | "June 07, 2004 edition

Why Muslim women fit into European society faster than men

By Jennifer Ehrlich | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor "

Send In The Army: Rio's Non-Solution To Crime... - InfoBrazil.Com

InfoBrazil.Com: "Send In The Army:
Rio's Non-Solution To Crime...
by Denise Frossard Week of Jun 05 - 11, 2004"
InfoBrazil asked Ms. Frossard to comment on the recurring proposal to send the Brazilian Army to police the streets of Rio de Janeiro – a proposal that surfaced yet again in May of 2004, following a spree of violent crime and gun battles between police and gangs involved with the drug trade.

Barriers and Promising Approaches to Workforce and Youth Development for Young Offenders "Barriers and Promising Approaches to Workforce and Youth Development for Young Offenders
David Brown, Sarah Maxwell, Edward DeJesus and Vincent Schiraldi; 2002
This toolkit was created to address three objectives: identify barriers to success in juvenile justice -- both for the system and for the young people in it; survey innovative state and local policy initiatives; and showcase exemplary employment and development programs for court-involved youth. The overview, program profiles, and policy profiles are also available. View the appendices to the policy profiles."

Outcomes: Reframing Responsibility for Well-Being
Outcomes: Reframing Responsibility for Well-Being
This report by Con Hogan and David Murphey combines framework-setting and hands-on experience for using outcomes and indicators to contribute to the improvement of the well-being of children, families, and communities. The report outlines specific results obtained on behalf of Vermont's people and the practical lessons learned from a decade of application. It provides examples of effective communication, community collaborations, organizational development, and leadership, along with how to organize and use data to motivate and engage communities in tracking change over time."

Zeroing in on sex offenders [06jun04] - The Mercury:, Tasmania

The Mercury: Zeroing in on sex offenders [06jun04]: "MAKO says it aims to raise public and political awareness for a zero tolerance policy for child sex offenders and sex offenders in Australia to prevent further victims and deter further offenders. "

6/6/2004 Juvenile sex offenders get fresh start as adults

6/6/2004 Juvenile sex offenders get fresh start as adults: "/6/2004 Juvenile sex offenders get fresh start as adults
By ASHLEY COOK, The Lufkin Daily News
Children who commit crimes in Texas get a fresh start when they become adults, their juvenile records for the most part sealed to the public. A recent Angelina County child-rape case highlighted the potential dangers of adult offenders with closed juvenile sex offense records. "

Identity crisis as ID trial gets brush off - Scotland on Sunday

Scotland on Sunday - Top Stories - Identity crisis as ID trial gets brush off: "Identity crisis as ID trial gets brush off


THE government�s controversial trial of identity cards has been plunged into chaos because too few people have volunteered for the scheme, Scotland on Sunday can reveal. "

Sunday, June 06, 2004

The long arm of the outlaws - New Zealand Herald

New Zealand News - World - The long arm of the outlaws: "The long arm of the outlaws

Australia's notorious bikie gangs are moving out of the city to spread an ever-growing criminal network across the country and to links overseas, including New Zealand. GREG ANSLEY reports. "

War of words over asylum seekers - Australia - 7news on Seven

7news on Seven: "War of words over asylum seekers
Date: 05/06/04

A row over the media's use of the term 'illegal immigrants' to describe asylum seekers will go before the Australian Press Council this week."

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Chicago's Youth Violence Program Proves Effective

Chicago's Youth Violence Program Proves Effective: "Chicago's Youth Violence Program Proves Effective

The Youth Gun Violence Program in Chicago, Ill., which connects youth who are convicted of gun violations with victims of gun violence, is being hailed as a success, the Northwest Indiana Times reported May 28."

Govt to tighten immigration controls - Daily Yomiuri On-Line

Daily Yomiuri On-Line: "Govt to tighten immigration controls

Yomiuri Shimbun
The government plans to introduce a system under which Japanese authorities would conduct immigration controls on foreigners in their countries before they leave for local airports in Japan, government sources said Thursday. "

Licence law reforms could be 'hell - BBC NEWS | Programmes | Panorama |

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Panorama | Licence law reforms could be 'hell': "Licence law reforms could be 'hell'

Britain has a reputation for a heavy drinking culture
The Chief Constable of Nottinghamshire Police says he fears the legalisation of all-night drinking in the UK could become 'my idea of hell'.
Stephen Green told the BBC's Panorama programme that the deregulation of licensing laws which will take effect next year could lead to Britain's alcohol problem getting worse, not better. "

Police given new training to tackle cybercrime

News: "Police given new training to tackle cybercrime
London, June 4 2004, (netimperative)

by Robin Langford
New training initiatives are being developed to help police tackle internet crime, following criticism that officers lack skills to deal with the growing problem.

The initiatives include foundation training for new recruits and a Cybercrime masters degree, launching next year at Canterbury Christchurch University.
The foundation 'cybercrime' course is provided by Centrex, the Central Police Training and Development Authority, and will be incorporated into basic police officer training, although it is not yet mandatory."

Into the mire of bent cops, drugs and gang murder -

Into the mire of bent cops, drugs and gang murder - National - "A turning point in the history of the relationship between police and the underworld may have been the decision by Victoria Police in 1992 to sell commercially available chemicals to criminals for the manufacture of amphetamines and other drugs."

Friday, June 04, 2004

Youth gang 'epidemic' predicted - National Post

National Post: "Youth gang 'epidemic' predicted
Almost half of gang members linked to organized crime, federal report says"

Criminals could get business training - ic CheshireOnline

ic CheshireOnline - Criminals could get business training: "Criminals could get business training Jun 3 2004

By Claire Lane, Weekly News

A RADICAL policy which could see prisoners undergo business training before their release into the community is being spearheaded by some of Halton's leading business representatives."

ic Birmingham - Break-ins drop by two thirds

ic Birmingham - Break-ins drop by two thirds: "Break-ins drop by two thirds Jun 3 2004

By Mark Cowan, Evening Mail

Police in Birmingham are slamming the door shut on burglars thanks to a new system able to predict where the crooks will strike."

China - Nation frowns at rising juvenile delinquency - Xinhuanet -

:: Xinhuanet - English ::: "Nation frowns at rising juvenile delinquency 2004-06-03 23:59:32

By Xinhua writer Zha Xin
BEIJING, June 3 (Xinhuanet) -- Chinese society is becoming more and more concerned about the growing number of young offenders who seem to commit crimes more readily than ever. "

Is Europe Dragging its Feet on Immigration? | Deutsche Welle | 03.06.2004

Is Europe Dragging its Feet on Immigration? | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 03.06.2004: "

Is Europe Dragging its Feet on Immigration?

The EU has been slow to meet the challenge of balancing security and the rights of immigrants.

The EU's justice and home affairs commissioner has called for more to be done to find a common policy on immigration across the bloc."

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Risk of radioactive 'dirty bomb' growing - New Scientist

New Scientist: "Risk of radioactive 'dirty bomb' growing

19:00 02 June 04

The risk of somebody somewhere triggering a radioactive 'dirty bomb' is growing, evidence gathered by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency suggests. "

Risk of radioactive 'dirty bomb' growing - New Scientist

New Scientist: "Risk of radioactive 'dirty bomb' growing

19:00 02 June 04

The risk of somebody somewhere triggering a radioactive 'dirty bomb' is growing, evidence gathered by the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency suggests. "

:Race, ethnicity prime motivator of hate crimes: study - CBC News

CBC News:Race, ethnicity prime motivator of hate crimes: study: "
Race, ethnicity prime motivator of hate crimes: study
Last Updated Tue, 01 Jun 2004 23:04:00
TORONTO - Most hate crimes in Canada are based on race or ethnicity and visible minority Canadians are twice as worried as other Canadians about becoming victims, suggests a Statistics Canada study. "

EU hands airline data to US | The Register

EU hands airline data to US | The Register: "EU hands airline data to US
By John Leyden
Published Tuesday 1st June 2004 10:42 GMT
European Community officials signed off a deal to transfer airline passenger data (passenger name records, PNR) to the US authorities last Friday.
The controversial agreement goes into effect despite a vote by the European Parliament last month to refer the deal - which quite clearly breaches EU privacy legislation - to the European Court of Justice. By getting European foreign ministers to back the deal the Commission has pushed through the contentious proposals despite data privacy concerns."

FBI unveils plan for better computers and information access for agents

FBI unveils plan for better computers and information access for agents
By Chris Strohm

By the end of the year, the FBI plans to field the first phase of a new information management system, install a centralized Internet network at field offices nationwide and give agents the ability to access an integrated terrorist watch list, the bureau's new chief information officer said last week.

'Radical' shift in Turkey's judiciary |

'Radical' shift in Turkey's judiciary | "'Radical' shift in Turkey's judiciary

In a bid to join the EU, Turkish judges and prosecutors are being trained in the fundamentals of human rights law.

By Yigal Schleifer | Contributor to The Christian Science Monitor "

Punish or reform: Can tags keep young offenders out of prison? - The Independent

News: "Punish or reform: Can tags keep young offenders out of prison?
People aged 18 to 20 convicted of a social offence have a 72 per cent chance of reoffending, writes crime correspondent Jason Bennetto. But pilot community schemes may help them go straight
01 June 2004"

Nuisance neighbours face compulsory life skills lessons - Guardian Unlimited Politics | Special Reports |

Guardian Unlimited Politics | Special Reports | Nuisance neighbours face compulsory life skills lessons: "Nuisance neighbours face compulsory life skills lessons

Alan Travis, home affairs editor
Tuesday June 1, 2004
The Guardian

'Neighbours from hell' who are evicted from their council homes will have to agree to take compulsory rehabilitation programmes to get rehoused under new government plans.
The home secretary, David Blunkett, has acknowledged the criticism that evicting anti- social families and simply rehousing them means that someone else gets the nuisance neighbour"

County works to open drug treatment court - Daily Herald

Daily Herald: "County works to open drug treatment court
By Tony Gordon Daily Herald Legal Affairs Writer
Posted 6/1/2004
Lake County officials are seeking a new way to fight crime by attacking it at its roots.
Substance abuse plays a role in as many as 80 percent of crimes, and a drive to create a special court where addiction issues are brought to the forefront is moving ahead."

:Moral education for millions of minors highlighted as priority in China : Xinhuanet - English ::

:: Xinhuanet - English ::: " Guan Ying, a researcher with the Tianjin Academy of Social Sciences who was involved in a national study tracking about 2,000juvenile delinquents, said poor grades and other unpleasant experiences at school are for many minor offenders a starting point on the road toward delinquency. "


Only ten per cent of employees are likely to be given time off to support charities this week, according a a new survey marking National Volunteering Week.
According to the survey by pollsters YouGov, commissioned by consultancy firm KPMG, only 4% of employees are given paid time off to support charities, with a further 6% allowed to take unpaid leave. Sixty per cent of those surveyed who do not volunteer claim this is because of a lack of time. More than a quarter of those surveyed (27%) also said their employer did not offer a payroll giving scheme. "

European Parliament Elections 2004 | Deutsche Welle | 01.06.2004

European Parliament Elections 2004 | Europe | Deutsche Welle | 01.06.2004: "European Parliament Elections 2004

Voters from the European Union will have their say in June when they cast ballots for the bloc's parliament. With citizens from 10 new members states going to the polls along with those from the 15 old members, the EU's only directly-elected decision-making body will be bigger than ever.

But who are the parliamentarians and how are they elected? When and where do they meet? What does the European Parliament do and how does it work?"


1. EU: The Commission has put forward a Communication and draft
Regulation on EU border controls - internal and external - which will
"consolidate" all existing laws including the Schengen "acquis" on
this issue. see: Communication and proposed Council Regulation
establishing a Community Code on the rules governing the movement of
persons across borders: see:

"Forgotten Prisoners - The Plight of Foreign National Prisoners

"Forgotten Prisoners - The Plight of Foreign National Prisoners
in England and Wales": Report from the Prison Reform Trust,

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

First aid for gun crime hotspots - BBC

Residents living in some of Manchester's gun crime hotspots are getting first aid training to use at the scenes of shootings.

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Police Accountability - � Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster (JCPS) - South Africa

Police Accountability - Current Information � Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster (JCPS): "Justice, Crime Prevention and Security Cluster (JCPS)
Charles Nqakula

Date: 25/05/2004 Source: Ministry of Safety and Security Title: C Nqakula: Parliamentary Media Briefing, May 2004 "

Al Qaeda targets US oil supplies |

Al Qaeda targets US oil supplies | "
World > Middle East
from the June 01, 2004 edition

Al Qaeda targets US oil supplies

Analysts say the Saudi attack could be a new tactic aimed at slowing the US economy.

By Faiza Saleh Ambah | Correspondent of The Christian Science Monitor

JEDDAH, SAUDI ARABIA � In two deadly attacks here in the past month, analysts see Al Qaeda-linked groups adopting new tactics and targets - encouraging self-organizing cells to hit soft targets in an effort to drive away Western oil workers, damage the Saudi petroleum industry, and slow the US economy. "

Teens use 'legal' cold medicine to get high |

Teens use 'legal' cold medicine to get high | "Over the past several years, drug counselors around the country have noticed a significant hike in the abuse of the cough suppressant dextromethorphan (DXM). Poison-control centers have also reported a doubling of the number of calls since 2001. But because it's a legal drug, it's not tracked by any of the major groups that follow teen drug use. So it's difficult to gauge how just how widespread the problem is."

Britain to 'win hearts and minds' of its Muslims -Straits times MAY 31, 2004

Britain to 'win hearts and minds' of its Muslims - MAY 31, 2004: "Britain to 'win hearts and minds' of its Muslims
LONDON - Britain signalled its commitment to its Muslim community yesterday as a leaked document revealed a project to 'win the hearts and minds' of Islamic extremists and Al-Qaeda sympathisers."

Undercover agents fight net piracy -BBC NEWS | Technology |

BBC NEWS | Technology | Undercover agents fight net piracy: "Last Updated: Sunday, 30 May, 2004, 23:09 GMT 00:09 UK

Undercover agents fight net piracy

By Jane Wakefield
BBC News Online technology reporter

He works undercover, has an online identity which he cannot reveal to anyone for fear of exposure and has to maintain anonymity or face threats to his personal security.

He is one of a team of investigators employed by the BSA to patrol the internet and take action against online pirates. "