Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Propping up rural and small town Britain: migrant workers from the new Europe / TUC, Nov 2004
Immigration & Asylum
The report examines the situation of workers from central and Eastern Europe in the six months since ten new countries joined the EU on 1 May. It finds that the pattern of migration into the UK is changing, with workers more likely to be found in the rural areas and small towns of Britain, as opposed to earlier waves of migrant workers who tended to settle in the UK's big towns and cities. They are being recruited to work in industries and services such as food processing, hospitality and agriculture which are experiencing major problems filling job vacancies.
The report includes case studies and makes recommendations including the need for Unions to grasp the challenge thrown down by this new influx of workers and work to recruit large numbers into membership to limit the capacity of employers to exploit, and to prevent divisions from springing up between different groups of workers.