Friday, February 24, 2006

Restorative Practices as a Tool for Organizational Change: The Bessels Leigh School / RealJustice, Feb 2006
John Boulton, Bessels Leigh Principal, with Laura Mirsky
"The Bessels Leigh School, in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, England, a residential special school for boys with emotional and behavioral difficulties, age 11-16, has seen a remarkable change in culture, due to restorative practices.
Via restorative processes both formal and informal, the approximately 28 pupils are encouraged to express their emotions and feelings and consider those of others. In a very powerful way they are made aware of the consequences of their behavior and can recognize the harm that their actions have caused. In partnership with the IIRP and Real Justice and SaferSanerSchools UK and Ireland, Bessels Leigh School is on track to become a demonstration school for restorative practices in the UK. "