Thursday, May 25, 2006

Field Search Software / Justnet, 2006
About 70 percent of all sex offenders are placed on probation nationwide, and most have access to the Internet. The management and monitoring of sex offenders' computer use is important for many reasons. First, it can alert authorities to a new crime such as possession of child pornography. Second, it can provide proper supervision and containment of the offenders by reinforcing treatment prohibitions against access to sexual material and by reducing community risk by increasing the offender's perception of containment. Lastly, monitoring computer use is essential to help the treatment agency understand the offender. Conducting an examination of the offender's computer early in supervision provides the officer and the treatment agency with valuable information regarding the offender's sexual interest and intensity. Therefore, effective management of the offender's computer use requires a thorough understanding of what to look for and how to find it.
This software is provided free of charge to community corrections agencies. [USA?] However, Field Search should be approved for use and supported by your agency's policies and procedures before it is used in the field.