Monday, October 16, 2006

Try to resist the Islamofatigue / This Scepter'd Isle [Blog], 16 Oct 2006
"It is an attempt to take advantage of a trait among British people to do everything possible to avoid giving offence to someone. For too long it feels as if politeness has been mistaken for weakness and we have conceded too much in our efforts to be welcoming, understanding and tolerant. If people choose to live in a society then I believe that they should conform to some extent to that society's norms. That does not mean their rights to worship as they see fit, or live their lives by a particular code should be sacrificed. It does not mean people should be forced to adopt codes of conduct that may offend them. It just means that in living their lives as they choose they should not be imposing restrictions on other people in society. Tolerance is a two way street. We should be tolerant of Muslims as we have frequently been told, but conversely Muslims must also tolerate the rest of society and that is where I see the current impasse."