Monday, October 04, 2004

A Study of young people with criminal behaviour / The Malta Independent, 3 Oct 2004
Juan Ameen
"Appogg recently presented a local study carried out on young persons with criminal behaviour in connexion with the Children in Need research report.

The study, which was carried out by Miriam Geraldi, used semi-structured interviews with six Maltese young males serving a sentence at Corradino Correctional Facility�s (CCF) YOURS. Their ages varied between 20 and 24. All spoke Maltese fluently but there was a difference between the type of offence leading to imprisonment, number of times they were imprisoned and the length of the sentence.

The interviews were also held with three professionals working in the area of juvenile delinquency. There were certain limitations in the study � the choice of participants and certain areas which could not be explored."