Friday, November 05, 2004

Police IT organisation signs deal to connect 250,000 users in all 52 UK forces / PublicTechnology, 5 Nov 2004
Information Technology / Police
"Connection to the CJX provides criminal justice organisations with facilities such as email, information sharing, document exchange, centralised user directories and secure access to the internet. In addition, the network provides secure connections to centralised databases, such as the Police National Computer. Since its introduction the CJX has helped to accelerate integration between the various branches of the criminal justice community, helping to foster better communications and information sharing.
PITO's CJX Liaison Officer Mick Humphrey said: 'The greatest challenge the criminal justice sector faces today is its scale. The CJX network encourages collaboration across departments, providing a vital tool for the secure exchange of information to help in the fight against crime.

'The more we use the CJX, the more we get out of it, and the more potential we can see. The extension of the Framework Arrangement lays the groundwork for ensuring this progress continues into the future and that the benefits are extended to other organisations.' "