Saturday, December 04, 2004

Police should welcome geeks / Techworld, 3 December 2004
Matthew Broersma
"The UK's system for handling cybercrime is overburdened, and one solution might be to draft in computer geeks as special constables, according to studies published this week.
The two reports are a collaboration between Europe-wide parliament-industry working group Eurim and UK think tank the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR), and are only the latest to recognise that the UK's criminal justice system is struggling to keep up with the international scope and sophistication of Internet-enabled crime. Eurim/IPPR studies from earlier this year recommended a new skills framework as well as help from the private sector.
The two papers published this week recommend bringing in IT experts as special constables, as well as the creation of streamlined and better-resourced ways of reporting crime and clearer guidance on security for enterprises and users. "

Reducing opportunities for e-cirme -

The Reporting of Cybercrime -