Sunday, June 12, 2005

New Al Qaeda tape hints at frustration / Christian Science Monitor, 12 Sep 2005
Gretchen Peters and Howard LaFranchi
"Al Qaeda has marked the fourth anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks on New York and Washington with a warning of future strikes in Los Angeles and Melbourne, and this rebuke to the American people: You don't get what we're fighting for.
The 11-minute message, purportedly from Al Qaeda and produced by its video production house As-Sahab, was delivered to ABC News in Pakistan and seen by the Monitor in Kabul. In the video, a masked combatant identified as Azam al-Amriki, or Azam the American, speaks in American-accented English; Arabic subtitles are included. Mr. Azam says Western leaders have misled the public about Al Qaeda's motivations."