Friday, September 16, 2005

UK: Metropolitan Police Special Branch (MPSB) to be amalgamated with the Anti-Terrorism Branch / Statewatch, 9 Sep 2005
"Scotland Yard briefed journalists (see, Guardian, Times and Daily Telegraph, 9.9.05) on a planned merger of the Metropolitan Police Special Branch (MPSB, SO12) and the Anti-Terrorist Branch (SO13). The MPSB carries out a national role within the Special Branch as well as one covering London - it is the original Special Branch founded in 1883 to counter Fenian bombings and was then called the Special Irish Branch. "Scotland Yard" is the term used when referring to national functions as distinct from the Metropolitan Police force which deals with policing in the capital. Special Branches' outside London will continue their work in the other 50 police forces in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland."