Saturday, September 17, 2005

Why I am NOT a Hyphenated-American / Michigan News, 16 Sep 2005
Daneen G. Peterson, Ph.D.:
"For most of us Americans, the essence of being an American does not include the use of a hyphen because we do not need the added 'security' of belonging, or having allegiance to, more than one place, country or ancestry. America is enough for us and we simply have no need for anything 'more.' We are proud to be Americans and are duly insulted when we are asked to incorporate a hyphenated attachment by dredging up our past ancestry, in order to append a nationality that would ultimately 'dilute' our esteemed title of 'American.'

We believe it is divisive, corrupt and unnecessary for those who are TRUE Americans to hyphenate. Divisive because the use of the hyphenation 'marks' a person as someone who is not proudly content to BE an American."