Saturday, December 30, 2006

UK crime rate rise detailed, prison population surge predicted in leaked report / Jurist PaperChase Newsburst, 25 Dec 2006
Kate Heneroty
"A recent UK Home Office [official website] report [text part 1, part 2, PDF] prepared for Prime Minister Tony Blair details the country's first increase in crime since the mid-1990s and predicts a massive 25% increase in its prison population over the next five years, according to the Sunday Times. The report also observes a growing gap between Britain's poorest and wealthiest residents and details a lack of cohesion among ethnic groups contributing to an upward crime trend. It makes suggestions for reducing crime including heroin vaccinations, a ban on alcohol advertising, chemical castration, ID chip implants, public shaming, parenting classes, and the use of bounty hunters. To increase cohesion in society, the report suggests a ban on face-obscuring veils [JURIST news archive] in schools. The Sunday Times has local coverage. [Brief]

Policy Review: Crime, Justice and Cohesion / Cabinet Office, November 2006
Part 2 - PDF -