Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Help stop Human Trafficking

BBC on modern slavery:

More about human trafficking around the world at UN Office on Drugs and Crime:

FBI's work on human trafficking:

Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings:

* Investigating and publicly shaming complicit officials and politicians in countries where official corruption is part of the rape trade. The ads would name and shame individuals and campaign for their removal and reform.
* Running a global day of action outside slave houses - exposing locations across the world where trade victims are being sold and raped This shocking violence is often going on just down the road from our homes and schools.
* Partnering with sex work activists, who have deep understanding of the business, to expose the violence and take on the traffickers.
* Tracking key trade routes and blocking ships carrying kidnapped girls and women in key transit ports.
* Lobbying elected leaders to make this issue a priority and use the full resources of our governments to stop it, including passing better legislation to protect and provide for the women caught in the rape trade.
* Going after rape traders directly by publicly exposing them with WANTED billboards in their communities.

Millions of women and girls are sold for rape every year -- some estimate 2 every minute. We cansave these young girls from horror.

Click below to donate to Avaaz's new drive to halt the rape trade:
