Saturday, September 10, 2005

[France] Kick out more foreigners: Sarkozy to local pols / Expatia France, 9 Sep 2005
"Nearly 13,000 illegal immigrants have been expelled from France this year but the rhythm must be stepped up if government objectives are to be reached, French interior minister Nicolas Sarkozy said. By the end of August, Sarkozy told a meeting of prefects, state-appointed regional officials, '12,849 foreigners were the object of deportation orders. In eight months 56 percent of our objectives have been reached.'
At the start of the year Sarkozy set a figure of 23,000 planned expulsions. Asking them to 'step up efforts', the minister told the prefects to 'resist pressures from this or that collective who represent only themselves, and to use all the room for manoeuvre authorised by the law." [Snippet]