Monday, January 30, 2006

State re-examines therapy program for sex offenders / Times Argus:, 29 Jan 2006
Louis Porter
"In prison, sex offenders undergoing treatment live separately from other inmates, a key component to make therapy work, some experts said. The treatment typically lasts 18 months to several years. Offenders talk about their crimes as part of the program because acknowledging guilt is a requirement of treatment. They also talk about possible situations they may face on the outside that might trigger their sexual urges, and they plan how they will address them. Completion of treatment is a requirement for most offenders before they can be released. After release, an offender must continue treatment on the outside to remain free. Sessions are usually about 90 minutes once a week. Offenders must reveal what situations they have been in that trigger their sexual urges, and polygraph tests are used to monitor the veracity of their statements."