Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Casualty Reduction Programme. / North Wales Police, Chief Constable's Blog, 20 Dec 2006
Richard Brunstrom
"I was claiming in my last Blog that the road casualty reduction programme here in North Wales is a good and simple illustration of modern police performance management. Here’s why - the government’s 2005 road casualty figures (dead & seriously injured, or KSI):
These figures compare the 2005 calendar year results with the 1994-98 baseline. North Wales Police has the best results in England and Wales - in fact the best in the UK, and the UK has the best figures in the EU, so we’re right at the top of the tree, internationally. By last Christmas we had reduced our KSI figure in North Wales by an amazing 53.5%. You will note too that our reduction in KSIs compares very favourably with the Welsh average of 34%. There are now 278 fewer KSIs in North Wales each year than the in the late nineties, and the figures are still coming down.
These results would have been thought miraculous a few years ago - but they’re not. They are no accident either - pardon the pun. They are a direct result of applying the Bratton principles of which I talked in my last Blog. We worked out what the main killers are (speed, seatbelts and drink driving), and why people break the law (low risk of capture was the main cause) and convinced ourselves that we could make a difference. Then we thought out some tactics, and went for it. Relentlessly. The results are now history. This process works and we have the figures to prove it; the UK KSI results have proved so persuasive that other countries are following our example - most notably, and perhaps surprisingly to some, France."