Saturday, January 21, 2006

Bin Laden in New Audiocassette / MEMRI, No 1074, 20 Jan 2006
"On January 19, 2006, Al-Jazeera TV broadcast excerpts from a new audiocassette by Osama bin Laden, in which the Al-Qaeda leader threatens further attacks on the U.S., 'immediately with the completion of the preparations.'
At the same time, bin Laden makes a plea to accept and uphold a long term truce under fair conditions [if America offers it to him], which will provide security and stability to both sides and will make it possible to rebuild Iraq and Afghanistan. 'We are a nation forbidden by Allah to betray and lie,' promises bin Laden. Contrary to mistranslations in the media, from Al-Jazeera for example, [1] bin Laden did not offer a truce, but made a plea to genuinely uphold one if America offers it to him. "