Friday, January 20, 2006

Hands-free police in control / The Boston Globe, 15 Jan 2006
Tom Long
"The voice-activated system was developed by Project 54, a program at the University of New Hampshire, named after the '60s TV show ''Car 54, Where Are You?' About 450 police cars in 65 departments are now equipped with the system. Most are in New Hampshire, though police cars in Boston, Maryland, and California are also equipped. At the command of ''pursuit,' the cruiser's computer can activate the siren and blue lights, flash headlights, and send a message to the dispatch center with the officer's position, freeing the officer from fiddling with switches and buttons as he or she weaves through traffic. ''You can keep your hands on the wheel when you're in hot pursuit, when a split-second decision can mean the difference between life and death, particularly for a pedestrian,' said Poulin, whose cruiser is equipped with a laptop computer that controls the system." [Free registration may be required, or contact your Library]