Thursday, July 27, 2006

500 Stories from the FOI Act’s / The Campaign for Freedom of Information, July 2006

"This publication contains summaries of 500 disclosures under the Freedom of Information Act that were reported in online media sources in 2005, the first year of the Act's operation. They represent only a small sample of all FOI disclosures, but give an idea of the wide range of information that has been released. They include disclosures under the UK and Scottish FOI Acts, both of which came fully into force on 1 January 2005. We have attempted to categorise the stories by subject, newspaper and public authority making the disclosure, though in
some cases the latter is not clear. Please note that the publication in which the story appeared may not have made the original FOI request itself - it may be reporting on a request made by someone else. Wherever possible we have included an Internet link for the original story. These links were correct when this document was published (July 2006), but you may find that stories
have subsequently been moved by the publisher or are no longer available free of charge. Note that the headline and summaries reflect the language used in the original articles, not the views of the Campaign."