Friday, November 10, 2006

Police turn the tables on burglars / Yorkshire Post, 10 Nov 2006
Joanne Ginley
"POLICE yesterday visited the homes of known burglars in north Leeds to take their mugshots to ensure they have up-to-date images and to remind offenders they are keeping an eye on them. Det Supt Howard Crowther said the intention was to disrupt the homes of known offenders as burglars had no qualms about disturbing people at home. Det Supt Crowther added: "We are turning the tables on the criminals and disturbing them at home as they disturb others. By ensuring we have up to date images of these individuals we are reminding them that we know where they are and we are keeping an eye on them, while also improving our intelligence." West Yorkshire Police are taking photographs of individuals to ensure police have up-to-date photographs of potential suspects."