Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Diplomatic Assurances – Safeguard against Torture or Undermining the Prohibition of Refoulement? University of Lund, December 2005

PDF - http://digbig.com/4mmpf
Sara Isman
"Sweden is not the only State, nor the first, to rely on diplomatic assurances.
In the US for example, assurances have been used in renditions since, at
least, the 1980s, and assurances regarding death penalty have been used for
a long time between States. The practice of securing diplomatic assurances
is also developing further. After the bombings in London 7 July 2005, the
United Kingdom (UK) has arrested persons on their territory that it regards
as a security threat of the country. These persons will be returned to their
country of origin, and to that end, the UK has concluded a memorandum of
understanding (MOU) with Jordan stating that they will be treated in
accordance with the international human rights obligations of the States
involved." [Civil & HR; Extradition...]