Sunday, August 27, 2006

The French-Muslim Connection : Is France Doing a Better Job of Integration than Its Critics? / Pew Research Center, 17 Aug 2006
Jodie T. Allen
" When Muslim youth rioted in the suburbs of France late last year, commentators were quick to fault the French "color-blind" assimilation model. But findings from the latest Pew Global Attitudes Survey, which included over-samples of Muslims in four European countries, suggest that the French model can claim some success, however mixed. Some aspects of that relative success are especially striking when compared with the attitudes and experiences of Muslims in Great Britain, where police foiled a home-grown plot by Islamic terrorists to blow up U.S.-bound airliners. France is home to the largest Muslim population in Europe, an estimated 5 million persons primarily of Algerian and Moroccan extraction (since religion is not tabulated in France's census, no official estimate is available). Similarly, Muslims in Spain are largely of Moroccan extraction. By contrast, Pakistanis predominate among Britain's Muslims along with other ethnicities, while Germany's Muslims are primarily Turkish in origin. "