Thursday, August 24, 2006

POLICE TRIO COMMENDED / Melton Today, 24 Aug 2006
"A TOP cop has been commended for helping to change the law four years after the horrific crash that helped inspire his work. Det Sgt Toby Day, from Melton, was among officers attending force headquarters earlier this week and was commended for ensuring drivers who fail to stop for police face heavier penalties. He said: "It's wonderful to be recognised for the work I've done but it's not going to stop. While we've now got changes it's still not enough." After an incident Det Sgt Day had an article published in Police Review, worked with the Home Office and contacted MPs. His efforts resulted in alterations to the Road Safety Bill, made in October last year. The father of three added: "I'm now waiting for the parliamentary recess to finish so I can touch base with MPs again. I'll be pushing for sentencing guidelines and keeping it on the agenda." [Police News; Sentencing]