Thursday, August 24, 2006

Germany's Immi9grants - Integration in Theory, Alienation in Practice / Der Speigel, 23 Aug 2006,1518,433006,00.html
Rose-Anne Clermont
"The political uproar was deafening, with demands for increased school security segueing into ideas to punish immigrant families who refuse to learn German. And the realization grew that school integration problems were not limited to those neighborhoods in Berlin -- Neu Kölln where the Rütli School is located, and Kreuzberg -- that most often appear in the headlines. Five months on, with Berlin children heading back to school this week, politicians have moved on from the rhetoric and have come up with concrete proposals -- including wider offerings of language instruction and mandatory pre-school -- to improve integration in Germany's schools. How quickly the new measures will make themselves felt remains an open question -- as does whether successful integration can be legislated at all."